
Mark Millar isn't skilled enough to pull off anything particularly well that doesn't involve violence.

I know I lost interest in reading X-Men on a regular basis after the mid-90's, especially after the epic fuckup that was "Onslaught" (so awesome that almost none of the writers involved knew who the hell Onslaught even was, they just wrote issues with their idea of the character that didn't mesh with the final

Are you kidding? Paul Smith was the shit.

But if I recall, they never said the AoA was going to be permanent, nor did they imply such. It was always just a big crossover event that we all pretty much knew was going to be over with in a short amount of time.

Me too. I mean, I can enjoy stories that don't really need to be in part of continuity for Rule of Funny and what have you, but when they contradict themselves because the writer was too fucking lazy to check two issues back, or they just feel like making someone into a psychopath to ruin a relationship, I want to

No, which means this list is incomplete. VERY. Incomplete.

I wish somewhere nearby had those Kit Kats. Everytime I go to a convention, they always have the green tea ones. I just want to try the other ones, damn it.

That is no lie, but they also have some seriously awesome Kit Kat flavours that you can't get in the States.

It would be kind of funny to read on the news the next day that his attempt to stab someone after they pissed him off was that all he ended up with was a bent blade, and another broken jaw.

No one seems to do that. But then, I think it's because everyone sees a picture of Mohammed as an easier target than, say, mocking their need to keep women in burkhas. Kind of like mocking Christians by making fun of the Crusades, instead of using a picture of Jesus.

Maggott. If he didn't just encapsulate the ridiculousness of the 90's….

I still find it hilarious that X-Man was just Cable from another dimension, and not an old curmudgeon. Just a younger curmudgeon.

Already done. Although it was technically not a shot, but a massive laser cannon blast. And only once.

I just recorded all of Good Omens off iPlayer. I wish we had shit like that over here.

That would definitely be nice. Not that I don't have the shows I want on blu-ray, but it's annoying as fuck to watch them when they air over here and see them cut stuff….AND WHY? It's not as if they have commercial breaks!

Honestly, I still recall seeing an article buried way in the pages of the Tribune years ago that stated pretty clearly that Sadaam hadn't really given two shits about the US; he was, as mentioned, basically bullshitting so Iran wouldn't fuck with him. Never heard a thing about it on the news, or saw it anywhere else.

And that is why Leonardo DiCaprio no longer has a career, obviously.

No, what's odd is how these sort of things flip-flop. After all, when Kerry ran for president, somehow—despite his status as an overseas veteran—he was tarred and feathered by "patriots." Same with McCain in 2000. You can have your problems with both men—gods know my dad hates McCain for talking while being

Well, if Wilson had listened to Ho Chi Minh at Versailles and maybe helped him with the whole "we want to get rid of the French and be free of colonialism" a few decades earlier, we might have also avoided Vietnam entirely.

My dad still refuses to give the American Legion the time of day because they basically ignored the Vietnam vets until the WWII vets began to die off, and they needed to fill the ranks. Now they won't leave him alone. He also never finished college—despite being able to go on the GI Bill—because the first professor