
Because there are no liberal veterans. Apparently my father is a unicorn.

Not that I disagree with the general point, but at the same time, not everyone in the military agrees with everything that happens in the military. That's like saying every veteran automatically votes conservative.

I would agree about renting near campus, but if you're willing to commute, I rented the lower half of a half in my current town (which is half an hour from UW-Milwaukee) not too long ago for about $650 a month. Definitely agree about the internet service, though cell service is a tricky thing; it depends on the

But we did get some hilarious cut scenes as a promo at the end of Kung Pow. Supposedly he really is trying to get it off the ground, he just hasn't found the right flick to mock.

I don't know why you would suspect such a thing, they're clearly going to finally get there within our lifetime.

Again, Dangerous Visions came about, at least.

Oh, and yes, it's weird, and fucking irritating. I got a laptop with the player built in and it still didn't work. It took me a Google search to find out I couldn't play the discs without the decrypter, despite having the hardware otherwise. Even JRiver Media Center won't decrypt them on its own.

I paid for a lifetime (otherwise they have a year, two years, etc), and I got it on a discount for like $79 or something. Right now it's 119 Euros, since it won't tell you the dollar amount until you basically get to the last payout page.

From my own experience, you need a decrypting program like AnyDVD HD. It won't play the disc, it just allows other programs to do so.

Yes, that's exactly the answer we were looking for. We would also have accepted, "Socialism is EEEVVILL," "they can go back to school," and "it's their fault they're poor."

"Chris Hemsworth" and "Donald Blake" do look quite similar…

Possibly so.

Never let one sit in a warm car. The unidentifiable grey sludge it turns into is fucking disgusting.

I would buy that. I don't even work at a McDonald's, and watching my co-workers clean the hotdog grill at night in the gas station without proper sanitizer or gloves…there was a reason I didn't eat our food. It was boggling to me that they seriously didn't even think it was a problem to handle pre-cooked food with

I wasn't honestly impressed the one time I went. The fries were almost charcoal, and the burger wasn't exactly flavourful. I'd pass it up in a heartbeat to go to Kopp's, which has the bonus of being a local joint.

A&W is only good for the God's Nectar that is their root beer in a frosty mug.

Yeah, fuck those people who can't find better jobs after the economy tanked.

It is a very weird thing indeed. We lost all of the Burger Kings within a fifteen mile radius of my house as a kid (three of them), yet gained a McDonald's and a Taco Bell and a KFC, and you can guess which is the most popular. And that's even with the second-worst service out of all three; first goes to KFC, which

I'm amazed they believed anyone who's high has the gumption to even get up off the couch for anything less than a food run.