
I believe the half of us who didn't vote for that smarmy fucker are thinking the same thing. Running our state into the ground is bad enough, but having Walker win the White House would mean Jesus has finally come back to begin Armageddon.

That's when I ask them why, then, they think anti-abortion laws will stop abortions.

AMC ran almost thirty minutes of commercials and previews after the listed start time last time I saw a movie there. They can suck my nonexistent dick for that bit of assholery.

Well, at least you're being a grown-up and taking responsibility for it. Now let it never happen again.

Wow. A large soda and large popcorn combo at Marcus is $12.50, I think, at my local. And you get refills, so if it's just two people, you're at least able to stuff your fat face further.

Jesus fuck, this. I was flabbergasted at having to sit through almost a half hour of ads—AFTER THE LISTED STARTING TIME—at AMC when I went to see Desolation of Smaug. It's bad enough they've begun playing TV commercials before they even bother with the previews, but motherfucker.

I could dream of $8, not-matinee, prices. Then again, I don't go to the movies very often unless it's a $5 Tuesday or $5 Student Night, or it's a new release that needs to be seen in massive, intense, Bleed-Your-Ears awesomeness.

This is very true. It's not Top Gear without Captain Slow.

No, I keep it for The Emperor's New Groove.

You know you can move to the Greatest Country in the World, you apologetic Commie!

No, the worst part of that is how hamdfistedly they dropped the obvious plot device into the movie when Bones just randomly decided to inject Khan's blood into a Tribble "just because." At that moment, I knew someone was getting Tiger's—I mean, Khan's—blood in their system at some point, 'cuz they were gonna be dead.

He has some good ideas, but he clearly needed other people to tell him, "No, George, let's not go back to fucking Tatooine again."

Hate to drag in a dead horse, but if I recall rightly, a good chunk of the Empire's forces left over just created their own (shitty) version of the Empire after the rebels won in the EU. So, yeah, assuming everything collapses immediately is pretty crazy.

And just for reference, Hulu+ has:

It was like finding out your childhood hero's dad was a total whiny bitch. And then you had to wonder how the hell your childhood hero got over his genetics and didn't kill younglings in the process.

Wow is that a shitty trade-off. (Except for about three shows, and Vietnam in HD, which would have been incredibly helpful about two years ago when I had that fucking class. The DVD set is expensive.)

I can't believe I'm even suggesting it, but Hulu+. Almost all of the same stuff is on there, even though it has annoying commercials. (Hell, they even have more classic Who than Netflix does.)

Pay for Hulu+ instead. Honestly, I keep Netflix for the movies, and Hulu+ for the TV shows.


Hulu+. Every season except the first (which puzzles me).