
Hulu+ has all of Top Gear (save for season one), Spaced, some of the old Doctor Who that Neftlix didn't have, and pretty sure almost everything else Netflix is dropping. I have both, and lately I've been almost exclusively watching everything on Hulu+ because at least it doesn't keep fucking asking me every three

I threw out my tape cassette copy of it years ago, sadly, but the wonders of the Internet means a CD rip is always close at hand….
…and no, I don't crank up the Chip 'n Dale theme song in my car, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was in my freshman Spanish class the very moment that damn verdict aired, and honest to fuck actually halted class to turn the TV on and see what it was.

That's my last solid memory of the show, actually; I stopped being able to watch it consistently not long after they revealed whodunnit, because I had gotten my first job, and the bastards always had me working when the show was on.

The FCC song is just gold.

Same as me. Never bought Songs in the Key of…. but I still have my copy of Simpsons Sing the Blues.

Is it any wonder…

Loved that song. Actually, I think I pretty much loved the shit out of the whole album except for "I Love to See You Smile," which bored me as a kid and still isn't very exciting to me now.

One never knows. Considering they did give her the same birthday as her actress, the idea of a cover story seems entirely plausible to me.

Man, I remember seeing the video for this on channel 8, which, at the time, was a very staticy music video channel we'd get from Michigan on cloudy days. (Yes, kids, for many a year, cable TV was not in everyone's house!) I had the album, of course, played it pretty religiously, and I don't care, I still enjoy the

I do kind of hope they bring over that aspect of the Widow from the comic verse, if only to make old lady jokes about her.

Hopefully, I'll finally be able to finish editing some anime DVDs into files I can stream. And then watch more Top Gear.

He was there to show them the joys of a righteous, married life. Whilst very carefully inspecting their cleavage, and offering them drinks.

I'm sure they would accept that as well.

Name wasn't on the lease. Although, if it had been, I'm sure they would have gladly allowed her to cover the cost of the window with a tasteful strip tease.

I have far more memories of the albums I had as a kid, but hadn't actually purchased for myself: Thriller on vinyl (still in my parents' house), a Gloria Estefan greatest hits' tape, En Vogue greatest hits tape, The Disney Afternoon soundtrack, all of the New Kids on the Block albums (I still hate admitting to

Load came out just a little while after I'd even gotten into Metallica proper, so I have a soft spot for it and Reload even if they're basically crap compared to their earlier albums.

I had some purple-covered Garfield album from Columbia Record club, so don't feel bad. Fuck if I recall what the title was, though. It's long, long gone.

Also the same. All I remember out of the bunch was a Garfield album (yes, seriously), and The Cure's Wild Mood Swings which I basically bought because the cover looked interesting. Out of the two, I still have the latter, and became a fan of the band because of it. (And screw everyone, I still like that album. It

I suppose you should be happy he didn't try to wrangle the frogs into it instead. Assuming those annoying little bastards also made it across the pond.