
I only have the latter episodes on blu-ray so far, but honestly, the only reason I want them—since I can watch it all on Netflix—is just for the commentaries. I live for those wonderful things.

Now, be fair, they had to replace their last names too. And Edward's looks. And all references to sparkling.

Scrape the serial numbers off? That's suggesting there was even a decent job of it; it was more like "partially erase, then stop giving a fuck halfway through the attempt and publish as-is."

I wouldn't say "dazzled," more like "it was the only option we had at the time that wasn't Bush." And we all know how much the third party counted…..

No, but now I need to. I'm still mulling over doing my Master's thesis on a similar topic.

Me too! We can re-live our least remembered year together. Or separately, if that's your thing.

They're more diverse than my home town.

Yes, but that's Texas. In other parts of the country—like California—you could see Tejanos working below blacks, because in the racial strata, they were actually seen as lower. I just wrote a Bachelor's thesis on this crap, so it's still pretty fresh in my head. They were considered "white" just as much as other

That Howling Commandos story would be interesting. I get the feeling the writers have used Steve as a sort of current lens: he has no problems with POC in the Commandos, though one of them was dismissive of their fellow Asian captive right off the bat for being Japanese in the first movie. I'd be over the moon if

Not "officially" segregated, no, but the presence of sundown towns and streets you knew you didn't want to cross suggests otherwise. Segregation was unoficial, but it was there.

My co-worker complained right off the bat that she managed to win the fight in her kitchen, and I pointed out that A: the guy wasn't entirely dissimilar to her in height and build, and B: she never overpowered him, she mostly used his momentum against him, hit when she could, and basically managed to steer him through

I was pleasantly surprised at Vanko's appearance. Though I did spend much of the time having to explain to my co-worker who everyone is, because while he watches the movies and has a little knowledge, it's so superficial he needs someone to basically point everyone out and say "That's so and so."

Very much this. As a POC with a History degree, I can't help but facepalm whenever I see them shoehorning in people into the wrong place/time to be "diverse."

That would make too much sense.

That's about all she could do.

It's the Illuminati. You don't know how deep the secrets go….

And here I was angry I graduated for my Bachelor's with a 3.2.

Man, if I did that, I'd have no FB friends at all.

If it makes you feel any better, my dad will be 70 this June, was in a Postal Union most of his working life (and retired as a civil servant), is a Marine vet (Vietnam), and still votes proudly Democrat, and despite the fact we live in some of the reddest counties in Wisconsin. So there's always hope.

Angry white OLD males, apparently.