
Why do you try to make sense of politics like that? You know it offends them.

Or possibly he was playing along like everyone else had done, until Burgess finally decided "fuckit" and just decided to stop doing so. Who knows?

You and probably 99% of their fans.

I thought—outside of Alba, and whoever played Doom—that they definitely got the casting right. But the attempt to play Alba as smart went way off base for me—either she was poorly directed, or she really is dumb as a stump, but in a way it was a weird throwback to the original stories, where Sue was just "the girl"

Never finished The Rocketeer, but enjoy the first Cap film, soo….not entirely true.

My cousin disliked it because "it was boring." I was most displeased with him over that one.

I like Zagreus as an easy measurement of time at work: if I start it when I clock in, it runs almost the entirety of my shift. When it ends, I know I have an hour left. Plus, it's nice if you're only listening to the Eighth Doctor (like me) because they brought on some of the other Doctors (as different characters,

That is the best description ever.

I recently saw a long comment thread on Facebook about Cleopatra, and it was quite a lot of arguing back and forth over how black she probably was. Oh, what a delightful bit of ludicrous that was.

I thought it was Seth McFarlane basically riffing on the fact the West really wasn't an awesome place to live, as most "creative" depictions would make it seem, but perhaps I was thinking too hard about the material.

That phone call needs to be in every movie and TV show about him. It is highly relevant information.

I cannot ever think of LBJ anymore without thinking of his balls, and I have a Vietnam class to thank for it.

That's why we're historians, isn't it? We're meant to be pedantic and pissy.

Exactly! And for no other reason at all.

Melissa McCarthy would be Ms. Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man.

So many bars. Not that my town next door isn't any better; 4,500 people, five actual bars, two restaurants that double as bars after the food is done being served, and a Moose Lodge that acts as a bar on Fridays, and you can drive through the village limits in two miles. They do, however, have a classier bar; all of

I'm stuck between wondering if he isn't the boy in the sweet shop after being starved most of his life, and just going nuts because he can, or, as you said, if he isn't just unprepared and thus easily manipulated (far easier than his predecessors, anyway) by the military into being a massive cock.

Muppet Christmas Carol. Any Doctor Who Christmas episodes. Actually, when I was last on it last night, it had suggestions for Christmas stuff to watch.

And who then later wrote a book about the Cherokee, confusing the shit out of people once they realized who actually wrote it.

I never watched Pineapple Express, but I did laugh way harder at This is the End more than I expected, mostly because it was so enjoyable to see celebrities die in horrible ways.