
Fili or Kili. Which I honestly only remember because they're brothers, and their names rhyme. Otherwise, hell if I can remember the rest either.

I just like to think that I, as a Latina, have at least one solid character on television I can look up to and admire.

Lens flare could, indeed, only improve these movies.

I had to watch the movie for a pop culture class. Having Mark show up for a class really hit home as to the type of person he is; he is definitely the type to think "coe-ven" is an acceptable fucking thing.

She's also the one plenty of female contestants on The Voice apparently like to pick; my co-workers tend to have that damn show on at night, and I swear I've heard them crack and fail to attempt to carry through her songs. It's pretty sad, honestly.

And that is why I refuse to play any Christmas music until the 24th and 25th. It is my firm rule, and I've been thanked more than a few times over the years for saving people's ears from the relentless dirge.

No argument from me. I don't go into every movie assuming it will be Tolstoy by any means. Though to be fair, it does mean I'm trying to get copies of the first three so I can actually watch them all the way through, so The Hobbit did make some money that way.

The fanedit of the Desolation of Smaug, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Superfluous Narrative is a thing that exists. I'm pretty sure the moment the blu-ray hits shelves of this last one, you'll see it.

Me too. Which is weird, because I haven't ever read any of the books, the first three movies bored me to death, yet these are so far keeping me engaged. And they don't really seem technically any better at all, but that's how it is.

I was wondering about that weird sheen myself. When they showed scenes of it on Graham Norton, I wondered if the TV was broken.

Yeah, I am not much of a fan of Neverland; it's just so….ridiculously convoluted. Except for the whole creepy "Zagreus" bit that grows out of it and follows in the next episode, because wow can Paul McGann do a creepy voice when he wants to.

32X the publicity, you say?

And yet, I'd rather play the Saturn rather than a Playstation 1 any day. At least the Saturn doesn't take twenty minutes to load a fucking game.

I remember when I first heard those. My head just exploded from sheer awesomeness. He does good work.

You can listen to MP3 on both.

I think he did actually turn it down, which was the correct thing to do, as the first one is perfectly fine on its own.

I don't think I could ever pick just five. Or even five remixes.

Fiio X5. A used Cowon X5 you can slap Rockbox on.

Honestly, I think it looks like shit. But I have a 160GB X7, and my old X5 for backup, so I don't have to worry about looking for something else.

Well, there's that Fiio X5 with a similar clickwheel. Which I've thought about myself, even though my Cowon X7 works fine…except for the shitty touchscreen which randomly decides that the entire left side of the screen does not work, and no matter where I press, it thinks I'm pressing on the right.