
I hate the cloud. Well, not "hate" so much as I refuse to rely on it, especially when unlimited data is becoming extinct.

Preach it. I mean, I don't have an iPod, I've stuck with Cowon, but even my old X5 could only be converted up in space so far. This flash memory, "Oh just put an SD card in the slot" and "use streaming!" bullshit pisses me right off. No, I don't want to stream, I don't want to rely on multiple SD cards (and I say

Really? I see them all the fucking time on mobile tech sites. And one friend too, but he can at least joke about it (even if you couldn't pry his iPhone or Mac out of his cold dead hands because he'd superglue the fuckers just to make sure he'd take them with him). And they're almost as bad as the Samsung vs Nexus

It definitely crashes into a spectacular "what the fuck?" halfway through the last episode, I will not lie. And I mostly have no problem with season 3 (I guess because I don't take personal offense at what is apparently Moffat and Gatiss ribbing all of the fans, and being accepting of Sherlock actually becoming a

Ahahaa, you poor, naive soul. Sherlock took over the Omegaverse a while ago, merged with Doctor Who and Supernatural, and then ran straight for Fawnlock, because fuck, why not have a Sherlock who is also half-furry and antlered?

Yes, but technically, it's correct: if you live on the continent known as America, you should be known as an American, whether you live in the US or not. But I know, English doesn't have an easy way of saying you're estadounidense.

I think I have ONE friend I could do that to. The rest would go berserk.

I hope they're not my neighbors; that would be awkwaaard.

I used to have epic problems with Hulu, until I started using it on a Roku instead of my LG blu-ray player. Now I have very few problems on the stick, and none so far on the 3.

You mean, "it's only people from the U.S.," considering Americans actually encompasses, technically, everyone who lives on the continent?

Fuck yes, this. I could care less if I want to "share a beer" with him, I want him to actually be smart and do the job.

Ahahahaaa, oh, I wish this were funnier, but I know people exactly like this too. My entire county is nothing but them. After all, they put Glen Grothmann into politics and have so far kept them there.

That "liberal media" I hear about, that lies all the time?

It was great fun for me to have to listen to my boss and a customer, not too long into the Iraq War, explain this theory loudly and ignorantly, in front of the store. Because I, brainwashed atheist liberal I was, couldn't speak about politics, but she was free to tell everyone in earshot how we should just bomb the

Yeah, that "liberal media" owned by conservatives. I will never get that twist in logic.

Daryl passed that mark at least by the end of the first season. At least, going by my friend's and family's Facebook posts, he's the only one anyone gives a shit about when the season starts and ends.

Fuck it, I am. I may not listen to every song on his recent albums, but I've enjoyed some songs off of them.

Gods yes. Dubs are fairly useless in my opinion, though my feelings come from having dealt with the shitty ones in the early 90's before DVD solved my problems of having to somehow find VHS sub copies. Which almost no one wanted to carry. So you pretty quickly get sick of screeching voices that obviously don't fit,

Twitter hit that almost immediately. Apparently it's all Obama's fault that racism exists, I guess.

Surprising, I know. I guess they figured they should make an effort this time.