
Watching CNN is all sorts of sad.

I can't even fathom how the argument makes sense, considering my understanding of how bands actually make their money is about 75% concert sales; CD sales, unless you somehow managed to finagle a stellar contract, meant about Jack and Shit to the band's revenue stream, so streaming should really not impact them much

Doesn't it mean we're saving white tigers or some other extremely rare animal simply because we didn't stream shitty music?

The theme song is fucking terrible right now. It really sounds like someone re-recorded an earlier theme with the Loudness War in mind. Definitely needs some toning down.

Surely not prostate cancer. Maybe just a little melanoma or something.

I never watched it, but did the main "hero" of the show ever do something similar to Constantine in the comic? If they did, then I can agree with you, and I guess we get to blame Goyer instead of the network.

I think the problem isn't that he doesn't know Breaking Bad was a thing, but that Breaking Bad was on AMC, and this is on NBC. Not that I don't agree with you, but I think we're all hoping for much more than primetime standard TV can let us have.

At least Francisco Franco is still dead.

His funky little dance whenever he finishes a job is weirdly amusing.

Every time I've caught them in syndication on CC, they've aired that way. It's annoying.

Yeah, me too. That was disappointing. Though on the other hand, at least we got a speaking character.


I don't think it strained credibility so much as it started to once it happened once a season, and people started reacting a bit like "eh, well, it's the aliens again, better pop off to Wales for Christmas vacation." Once in a while, okay, but it was getting to the point of absurdity.

Was it just the Dalek invasions? I get the impression it was a lot of the "wackier, obvious" alien stuff of the Davies era.

That's what I'm sayin'.

*two months later: big cardboard box with ribbon appears on their doorstep; nearby goat is unsurprised*

Yeah, that was the other thing I was thinking. Who says they're even alive? And honestly, was bringing him back to life, only to drop him in a region that's still pretty scary to live in, really a way of paying back a debt?

Good point.

No, that was pretty ridiculous. I was just saying I could see Midnite being savvy enough to show up and save Constantine's ass at the end, even if unintentionally. The rest of it….yeeaah. It does seem like the writers on one hand understand the general gist of the characters, but really don't want to use them to

Yeah, so….how does anyone remember it then?