
I was actually a little thrown by that second one: wasn't the whole premise of the "Amy remembers the world back into place" that it got rid of a lot of RTD's crazier stories? Which would theoretically mean the Master's time as PM would have disappeared too, wouldn't it?

If she does find his parents, how the hell does she explain him being alive after they apparently buried him years ago?

Still doesn't negate the problem with trying to spin it around on the Doctor.

Only engaged, I believed, not entirely married.

Even more stupid: DANNY WAS ASKING FOR EXACTLY THAT FIVE MINUTES PRIOR. Then, because it worked in the Doctor's favour, suddenly it's all "Ooo, he's a hypocrite for giving me exactly what I wanted. What a jerk."

I dunno, I can buy the Papa Midnite bit, but everything else is pretty spot on. And the only reason I can buy it is that John, for all of his tricks, can still very easily fuck something up and end up on the ground with his ears bleeding. Midnite had an investment in the record, and he's been (to my memory)

I admit that I groaned just a little at that musical choice. Not that I didn't expect them to go the obvious route, but at the same time I could have hoped they would have branched out.

It really seems to depend on the CD. Some are just as dirt cheap as buying the (shittier quality) digital album.

Oh, so you got into an argument with my old boss. Because I heard that argument almost ad nauseum whenever the subject of teachers and public school at all came up.

But for him, it was Tuesday.

"Why Can't I Be You"?

Me too. I'll admit without hesitation that music pretty much stopped in the late 90's for me; except for Weird Al and Buck-Tick, most of my music hasn't been made in the last decade, and I'm fine with that. What little I hear as an adult irritates me; the music I grew up and hit adulthood in, I still listen to.

It's pretty fucked up. Especially since everyone has decided the Phoenix is always and forever somehow a bastion of instability and anyone who has it will instantly go insane. I keep thinking Rachel Grey is going to snap one day and start punching people and shouting "Goddamn, are you all pussies that you can't

I haven't read the comics in ages due to, frankly, cost and time, but I remember hearing that bit with Siryn and I was impressed that someone in universe actually pointed out that none of them tend to stay dead. Jean's actually been gone some time by this point, but otherwise, death has been cheap; even Gwen Stacy

Me neither. I heard bits and pieces of it on the radio before I even watched the movie, and I was….really underwhelmed. It's not a great song by any means.

And he'll argue that he always meant for it to look like that, technology just hadn't caught up to "his vision" at the time.

I forgot about the Landau, bit. But I also haven't listened to those adventures yet, I've only been listening to Eight's.

Oh, I know, but that's about the only reason I can think of for it to make sense for him to keep putting her off. Although we all know they made it drag out just for that last "I love you" so she'd cut him off.

I think part of the Danny/Clara discussion is that Danny is still way off-kilter after the reveal that's he dead, as well as the fact he's exactly the type of guy to think Clara's being silly at this "proof" bit; he hasn't been on the crazy alien adventures she has. He still obviously failed it on purpose to protect

I get the feeling this was more of a "I'm a narcissistic bastard, and I'm remembering it the way I want to" bit than an actual reference to what happened.