
Cue "The Crying Game" song, and the Doctor crying in the shower.

Makes sense. If they hacked up the screener as they apparently did, I can see why it wouldn't have been so obvious.

Maybe we'll get a "Choose Your Own Death-Defying Escape" like Sherlock, where Missy tells the Doctor about several different versions.

Honestly, I was just thinking about that: the Cybermen's metal bits aren't organic, so what the fuck….

That's what's interesting about humanity. That, and our various selections of cheeses.

I'm pretty sure the only people who didn't see the Mistress thing coming were people who have never watched the show before.

I was actually impressed with Clara during the key scene; she actually had some serious brass balls right there trying to out-wit the Doctor so coldly. Pretty sad it wasn't true.

Can't they be doing both?


Yeah, there's pretty much no way he didn't do it on purpose. I was actually surprised you wrote that in there, but it makes sense now.

Her insistence that Danny stop just saying he loves her doesn’t just
echo the opening scene; it also sets up the intriguing possibility that
Danny intentionally severs ties with her to protect her.

Maybe this is New 52 Constantine, and we're all in for a lot of disappointment.

It looks so….neat, and clean. Even Castiel's coat looks like a better Constantine coat than Constantine's does.

I am, mostly because I have a feeling the movie to regular, free-access TV means he'll be far more restricted in what he can do than when he's on Comedy Central.

It is, but isn't, in a roundabout way. The Fifteenth says, "Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote
shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on
account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

I just don't see Tatum as the sort of character I envision Gambit as: an athletic, spry fellow likely to kick you in the face than tackle you. Tatum is just more of a linebacker type to me.

Me too. The character works well solo, damn it. I would kill to see a good movie about him in New Orleans, but Channing Tatum? Fuck that. He's the guy I'd tap for a role requiring a blank-faced moron who stands in the back and fidgets every once in a while. Taylor Kitsch, I think, had the disability of being in a

One of his miniseries kind of had him like that, and it was a lot better than him being on the team. He really does work better as a solo character, and I have no problem with that at all.

He spit out some charged gum once. That was actually kind of funny.

But does Marvel have the movie rights to Ghost Rider?