
Yeah, I think they're both liars, in different ways.

Yeah, I am amazed at that last part; after all this time, after realizing that literally anyone could be HYDRA in an unassuming role, they haven't thoroughly researched everyone in political office right now?

I thought he looked familiar: for one, he's wearing more clothes than previous, and two, he's not being flung out the window.

Only 1 of me. Which is why I try to stay as anonymous as possible.

I guess I should be thankful no one recognizes mine from TOS; I don't get grief from it. I just get grief because I have a weird name in general.

Well, fuck, now I know what I want to happen.

Millar makes everything so ridiculous and bombastic.

The man was so strapped for cash when Obamacare came through, he only gave away a mere two million pizzas instead of one million for the Super Bowl!

I think pretty much every time I see that bastard's face on a commercial, I remember that, and want to kick him in his nuts even more. Just…really? I'm supposed to be sad about a fifteen cent jump in prices on a shitty pizza when they're literally being given away!? Fuck that guy.

Well, you know….if you're British, you're English. No Welshmen may apply.

I am very confused with the Magic Chas myself.

Me too, but I loved it far more for the soundtrack. Honestly, most people I talk to almost inevitably agree on that: movie kind of sucked, soundtrack was awesome.

I am really hoping it's basically the Mark pulling back its resources to heal after being attacked by mortal blood, and Dean's going to revert back soon.

Yeeeepp. I literally just finished it on Hulu Plus, and I am so pissed you can't even imagine. Demon!Dean had some damn meat on the bone, so to speak.

Yeah, damn it, this thread is making me feel like a grandma, and I'm only 33.

Yeah, I'm a little surprised at it; it's like he sent someone to Halloween Express to pick up some decorations.

That's pretty much me too. Especially being in the Sherlock fandom, Superwholock is so ubiquitous, it was difficult to ignore. After a while, I just figured I'd give in, and binge watch, and see what the hype is about.

I think the problem with Sam as a character is that I doubt, in a real world situation, he might never have really gotten to earn a personality of his own other than "important little brother always left in the dark." Once he was cut loose from college—where he would have possibly, finally figured out who he was—he

I am loving it. It's Dean if he hadn't had a moral compass in Sam. I think he would have been pretty much demon!Dean (basically, 2014!Dean without the Mark) if he hadn't had a younger brother to protect and worry about, hunting monsters and not being overly concerned after a while about people.

I'm just watching the recent episode as I type this, but I really hope demon!Dean sticks around, and isn't fixed. I think it's the kind of shake up the show needs, since the boys are constantly skating on the edge, and they keep being either rescued, or rescuing themselves; if Dean actually can't be fixed, there's