
And we were all the happier for it.

Definitely. I mean, it makes sense in a visual sort of way—his power is invisible, so in a comic book/on screen you'd want to make sure people realize he's actually using it—but at the same time, you can see the results.

Mine isn't either, surprisingly, even though it's a name from a TV show. But mine is also spelled one vowel different than the TV show and, apparently, everyone else's, so Googling my name means there's no doubt you're finding out all my dirty online secrets, because I'm the only one who spells it that way.

Honestly, the worst problem I've encountered with Kickstarter is a company realizing they underestimated resources, and had to take longer than expected. But I haven't had a project disappear entirely yet, and for the most part, creators have kept up in telling everyone why it's taking so long.

Well, don't start pointing that out, or….well, nothing will change. I tried it; all I got for my argument is a school "friend" telling me he needed his Constitutional right for when the government inevitably needs to be overthrown by dumbasses with no real training and hunting rifles.

He was in Earth Girls Are Easy, damn it.

A very slow, sarcastic, one-handed clap, no doubt.

Actually, it's currently something like "FUCK YOU ALL, I SAVED MUTANT KIND."

“It’d be very hard to do, because Halle [Berry], Famke [Janssen], and
Jimmy [Marsden] and others have done such wonderful jobs of bringing
those characters to life”

I do, and as I got older, I thought I was hallucinating them. Even though I had a goddamn stuffed Popple.

That would definitely be awesome. The constant thread of "love conquers all" that crops up in practically every damn thing these days needs to be ignored once in a while.

Yeah, the planet collapsed as he and Anakin 2.0 were trying to rescue someone. Kid couldn't turn around and save Chewie in time, so he went poof with the planet. Lots of angst for a few books afterward.

Truly, if that were the case, you'd think they would have already given that character a chance to appear, and possibly their actor would have a nine movie contract already….

Um….maybe try Firefox and plugins? I think it's NoScript and/or AdBlock Plus that stops them for me, because there are literally no ads at all when I come here.

Yeah, I'm curious how this is going to play out. If they get a second season, will it be officially titled "Agents of the Organization Formerly Known as S.H.I.E.L.D."?

#1 seems to be a victim of the shifting time frame that quite a lot of Marvel characters have fallen prey to as the years pass. I believe they retconned it in the comics to say she's been given super serum to keep her young so she could still have been KGB and yet look like she does, but I guess the movies didn't

Weren't the Fenris twins creepily suggested to be incestuous too? If so, and if they replace them, that's pretty hilarious considering the movie universe is based more on the Ultimates….

Good luck: my experience doing so was partially a cake-walk, and partially immense bullshit. But I did get in.

I have a small pile to get through, since they've been neglected for school reading. Bronze Gods, by A.A. Aguire (she wrote a different series I enjoyed, and this one is apparently steampunk), Fated by Benedict Jacka (kind of a London-based version of Harry Dresden so far), London Fallinh by Paul Cornell (some sort

This….surprisingly sounds *good.*
(And no, I haven't seen the episode yet. Nor do I care it was spoiled. It makes me actually want to see it now.)