
That's the same vibe I get, and I never watched an episode of this. Just reading most of the comments you get the feeling that it was the fact they crammed everything into the smallest "box" possible after so much build-up.

That was indeed a thing of beauty.

….so the kids wouldn't have noticed, but the rest of us do. It's not the first time a cartoon would have done something as a wink to something else.

I thought it was just an hour long commercial for Vanilla Ice and the classic "Ninja Rap."

I still find it weird that Donatello sounds like Raphael. If they were going to hire someone who already voiced a turtle in another animated series, the least they could have done is given him the same turtle again!

No, it was a shot of a downtown scene—there's a meat market called Bernie's Meats, if you see it—and the camera focuses on it right for a good second before slowly panning down into the diner where the kid goes nuts and stabs the waitress. It looks like a picture or a photo someone took of downtown, framed it, and

I think that's the best idea ever: the continuing adventures of Indy's Grad Student.

Does anyone know where they actually filmed "Milton, Ill"? Because the establishing shot after the second commercial break (on Hulu, anyway) is a zoom-in on a picture of downtown Port Washington, which is up here in SE Wisconsin. I don't even watch this show and that little bit from a friend in Facebook had me

I dunno, I think for a good value, the State Fair packs more for less. There's probably just as many music acts playing nightly, just in the smaller bar floors, plus there's still a spectacle to be had watching people stagger around.

Why yes, Angry Raisins it is….

But then I'd actually have to find something to watch on Mondays instead of endless loops of Top Gear until The Daily Show is on.

I've just gone past giving a shit about continuity, since the filmmakers' clearly don't care. I'm just kind of hoping they at least *attempt* to explain some of it.

Yeah, that is honestly the biggest thing pissing me off about it. I get their reasoning, but at the same time, it looks like just an excuse to make it All About Wolverine *again,* and fuck that.

I demand to know why God hates homos, yet the prostate can't be reached on a man except through anal penetration. Explain!

But what's interesting is that this happened after Reagan struck down the Fairness Doctrine (which meant you *had* to give equal time to controversial issues). That was struck down because the administration made up some twaddle about it being unconstitutional in the 80's.

All I know is, it meant I actually spent money on Girl Scout cookies for the first time ever, just to support them. And from the looks of it, they didn't suffer much: they were constantly selling out on campus.

And yet I bet they wear their mixed textile clothing without a hint of irony, those bastards.

Oh, anthropology. If I hadn't decided on a history degree, I likely would have gotten an anthropology degree. And I still remember, with some glee, when I took Anthropology 100 my first semester of college, ten years after high school (I graduate this May, actually), and listening to some kid try to argue with the

'eh, I give it the decade. Of course, I finally stopped listening to the radio around '99, so I guess they still puttered for a little bit.

Oh no, I know what you meant, AND I was agreeing with you.