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    He got a fistie.

    Unsure why Dom is not under multi-national arrest after this one. Fambly?

    Meanwhile Hillary roams free.

    If you say "bigoted" everyone will be placated.

    In 'Murica, bigoted now means racist.

    When you split them down the middle, fry them and put them on bread, it's a hot dog sandwich.

    Having grown up in that area in the Reagan years, an American child (Paige) would no doubt believe the evil Soviets were going to nuke DC and New York simultaneously. Her not turning in her parents, as naive as she is portrayed, seems to be a stretch, I think.

    Isn't there a letter that their "lawyer" opens and sends to the FBI in case of his untimely death?

    I was ok with all the adultery, murder and treason but this living in sin is too much. No more watching.
    —- Murica.

    Next you will report that the Dems really sang Rock Me Like a Hurricane.

    It's real easy to get into a conference. If you are near a city of moderate to large size, buy a name badge, go to any hotel tomorrow and go to a conference. You can crash wedding receptions in hotels the same way sans name badge.

    Is America just not ready for a trust fund superhero?

    I thought it was more "Bejorans be crazy, amirite?" She is Bejoran, right?

    Oh, a nano truther here!

    She still has pay the rent in her "rent controlled" part of National City.

    Recently saw Martha playing part of a team of grifters on Sneaky Pete.

    Mail Robot finally showed up again in The Americans last week.

    PLUS, while plotting said murder I decide to steal your Nazi book and put it on DarkWeb.com because that's just simple like eBay.

    Can I borrow one of your Escalades so I can get to the lobster store with these food stamps? My Benz is in the shop.

    Quickly learning to pick locks, research a magician's favorite tricks, then obtain and deploy hydrochlorate poison onto a bullet are incredible feats. But then, I'm no book publisher.