Joan did roll her eyes when Sherlock said the perp was left-handed so perhaps the writers are acknowledging their crutch. I had to rewind when I saw that!
Joan did roll her eyes when Sherlock said the perp was left-handed so perhaps the writers are acknowledging their crutch. I had to rewind when I saw that!
Joan's coat in her final scene was gorgeous.
Charlie Murphy and now Joanie. A Brady Bunch kid has to be next.
Is that the most British name ever?
Maybe the lease ended.
People always confuse hot with automatically good to live with.When I saw Anne Arrcher as the wronged wife in Fatal Attraction I wondered how Michael Douglas could cheat on that beautiful woman. When I later dated beautiful women whom I did not like that much I said "oh, now I know." Hot doesn't mean automatically…
Stupid humans.
Ishtar and thankfully the film broke and signaled my exit. Face-Off since the face removal was grotesque and indulgent. Plus the gold guns whose bullets always strike their targets unlike the dozen adversaries who always miss.
My eyes rolled when Mischa just shows up, presumably without a visa from a country he could not leave into a country he could not enter. Maybe he showed Customs that piece of paper and they waved him through.
Who Dat Ninja was a masterpiece.
The story was Murphy became a Christian and didn't want to do foul mouthed comedy anymore. So we get Klumps, Dr Doolittle and other family friendly fare. Dreamgirls though . . .
Isn't money 👍🏾?
The character must be from the England part of the Belt where they speak mumble belta.
When Ramsey killed the giant on Game of Thrones, apparently it was a beloved character whose name no one even knew.
Trained shooters can tell by the weight of their gun whether it has bullets in it.
Germans didn't want to kill the Russians Slavics because they were white. Hutus didn't want to kill the Tutsis because they were black. Arabs (Semites) don't want to kills Jews (Semites) because they are Semites. And by the way, the English monarch is actually German. They changed their name to Windsor during WW1…
Don't assault my feelings.
Edit: Fee shifting where case goes to trial and Plaintiff either loses or gets less than Defendant's last offer.
Settling has different connotations. Nuisance suits are settled for the insurance deductible which could be $5,000 (say, a typical dog bite case where the plaintiff was actually at fault). Suits with any grain of merit would settle for much more since, in many jurisdictions, you can shift attorney fees to the losing…
It could be read to say Casey Affleck and crazy women. Is Casey Affleck not equal to crazy women? Or are you saying Casey Affleck is a violent man, violent men = Casey Affleck, and you were not distinuishing between the two?