Max Martini

Which grave? She's still alive!

So, a confirmation that Alicia was not innocent, and maybe we don't feel Root so guilty now; I wonder, though, if she knew who she was shooting in the head, or if she did that only to get rid of an hindrance.

I hate Harper, and think they will be foolish if they let her, in any way, be a part of the team. There are former numbers that can be trusted, like Caleb Phipps, and others that cannot, absolutely. I am totally on Root's side on this one.

Excuse me, but you are wrong: in "Aletheia" he shot a woman, a fake bank employee who had retrieved two drives for him.
But yes, before killing her, he said a polite line like: "You have earned my highest esteem".

So John has
four women that, in one way or another, he is dealing with.

Some thoughts:
Fusco is called by his "mom", who tells him who the victim is. Dani accepts that unquestioningly; is she dense or what? No replacement for Shaw, of course: I expected some lines like: "Wait, who told you, certainly not your mother. I want to know where your intel comes from. Fill me in."
Root is a psycho

Yes, Caleb Phipps is coming back too

Which means that Shaw died to save Root in more than one way.

The producers have stated in an interview that a major charactere was to be killed off within the end of the season, before knowing about Shahi's pregnancy. If so, it should have been Root, because her arc coincide with Samaritan's. It would be nonsense to keep her in the team saving irrelevant numbers. And Amy Acker


Thank you, I remember now the pairing nuts-crazyness (general McAuliffe at Bastogne during the second WW).

Are you from the UK? There the adjective "cozy" is spelt "cosy", isn't it?

Wonderful actress, unbelievably underrated.

Now his life is much more at risk then before, and nobody wants to risk dying and ignoring why.

Well deserved nickname, if she killed two major characters.

Shaw saved his kid, he will grieve a lot before asking questions. But ultimately he will decide that he wants to know.

But now Martine has seen him, and knows his name from two episodes ago, so that ignorance is not an effective shield anymore.

I heard Shahi saying that she knew about her pregnancy (but probably not that there were two coming!) during ep1 (Panopticon). Which is, I think, around August or September (?). So the babies should be born in May or June, between season 4 and 5. There are possibilities for her to appear in some limited way, but it's