Max Martini

Yes, he believes that all people are worth the same, but he also divided them into two cathegories (relevant and IRRELEVANT), fighting his friend Nathan because he had another thought. A bit contradictory?

As a non-American, I'm not getting the meaning of Fusco's cereal-based nicknames for Root. I don't remember her eating that stuff. Could anyone axplain that to me, please?

I'm afraid the blond bitch didn't miss her heart. Of course, the authors made this to remark how evil Samaritan and his operatives are. And It would be interesting to understand if the killing was intended to eliminate a witness, which would be criminal but rational, or out of wrath and frustration for the apparent

Root shouts "Kill me if you can!" at the end of the shootout, and Acker played a small role in the movie "Catch me if you can, with Hanks and Di Caprio.

Samaritan's last message was "Find the Machine", not "Destroy the Machine"; Maybe it (he? He?) wants to cooperate with it (her? Her?), even merge with it and unite strenghts to become a more powerful entity. If this comes to happen, I hope that the moral values of the Machine (of Harold, actually) fill the void of the

Indeed, Root seems doomed; her virtual message for Shaw, her lines about sacrifices required by war, the certainty that not everybody will survive, and that she led a vicious life that needs atonement (I don't remember the exact words) implies that she is the next. But one must also notice that another strong female

The Machine always operates the same way, also when Samaritan didn't exist: by following digital spurs, like the missing telephone votes, and knowing that Simon has never failed, is brilliant and stubborn, and wouldn't accept such a result …

Harold: "She already knows (meaning that Shaw knows Root loves her)". How can Harold know that? Does it mean that Shaw shared her intimate thoughts with him? Unbelievable!

Yes, sometimes American shows and movies tend to underrate the lives of uniformed people.

Yes, I live in Italy and that expressing one's political intention by phone left me stunned.

Maybe too much stuff for one single episode: Carter, Nathan, Root vs. Martine, the explicitation of a lesbian love, a strip-tease, stunning secrets about the birth of the Machine revealed … they could have left something for the next times.

Let's not exaggerate, Sam Groves was eleven then.

Armenian, not Albanian

The girl may be less-competent as you say, but she has moral values, and it's good for our team to have her inside Decima; when the moment comes, she'll be of help.

Why don't we know Root's day job yet? The other three were cleared in ep. 1.

And many believe that these two halves will merge in one soon

Amy Acker and Emerson are 1.73 both, Shahi is 1.62, Caviezel is 1.88; I've read that somewhere

Yes, but it was only a voice. I don't think there are connections with Samaritan, it was all about killing for money; but there was a final threatening " See you again" too.

I think (and hope) that in the end we'll discover that all what happened was part of the plan of the Machine; for instance, now we have Claire, a girl with moral values, inside Samaritan.

One of the
authors said that this show is better than others because they kill characters;
as Root has to redeem her heinous past, she is unfortunately the best
candidate, especially if Shaw kisses her one day (remember Reese/Carter?).
Being this the most likely ending, I strongly hope the authors will surprise us