Rusty Shackleford

The people of Cleveland acted as if they owned him because they had the dumb luck of being the closest NBA city to Akron. And then their dipshit owner who steals money from the city to finance his arena and downtown investments reacted like a spoiled baby. Fuck that city and fuck their bandwagon fans. As if any of

It also seems kind of unfair to compare the two, since Cena basically acts for a living and LeBron is a soulless brand bot.

Except he surpassed Kobe quite some time ago and now Kobe's in the desperate spinster phase of his career where he has to shoehorn "FIVE RINGZ" into any discussion.

The 90s Sonics are definitely a rouge state that acquires a bunch of missiles and just fires them randomly.

Reddit: The Movie starring Adam Sandler.

As a Bulls fan, I never understood why Phil didn't just play hardball with Melo. Oh you want to build your brand and keep your family in one place? Cool, take a pay cut so I can give you some talent. Otherwise go play for $12 million a year in Chicago or go to LA where Kobe will murder you in your sleep.

Yeah SB Nation is great, but there's just no chance a guy making 7 figures is sharing space with Spencer Hall or PFTCommenter.

Vox (the actual site not the whole company) is the very definition of clickbait. There is nothing redeemable about that site. And I'm not sure how a site that's built on creating "explainers" within minutes of an event is going to jive with a guy who wrote 30,000 words on an imaginary trade value column.

Jalen Rose is absolutely awful. I cannot and will not stand for any appreciation of his "Positions were invented for novices" and "I think articulate means saying 500 words when 50 will suffice" shtick. Get Baron Davis in the podcast studio with Jacoby, now that would be fun.

It's neither as bad or as good as people say. A great show to keep on while folding your laundry or cooking a stew.

Seems like a lot of writers all over the network expressed their displeasure with the article, but immediately turned it into a "bosses are killing our vibe" thing. It just seems like an awful place to work and Nick Denton has a long history of being a giant hypocrite about these types of gray areas.

Just a wrecking crew of a cast…and then Bokeem Woodbine. They couldn't spring for Wood Harris or Larry Gilliard?

Nothing more Judd Apatow than spending an inordinate amount of time saying cliche things that others say in funnier, more unique ways and getting a lot of money/praise for it.

Homer dressed up in a belly dancer outfit at the end of Easy Bake Coven is just one of those random Simpsons things that always makes me laugh.

They also blurred a nipple and in previous episodes blurred nude paintings. So they've definitely got their priorities straight.

RIP Mo Greene, you made your bones while I was still dating cheerleaders (or at least, fantasizing about it).

Conan's new niche is basically pretending he's a huge fan of fantasy and sci-fi and pandering to all the nerds. He hosted a bunch of panels at Comic-Con, he does the video game stuff (which is pretty hilarious). I do love how he's just a shameless pervert now. There's no pretense of joking, he wants to bang all young

Colin Cowherd has an endless obsession with John Wall and trying to make people think he's the devil. He has never let go of the fact that Wall had the audacity to DANCE during his very first pre-game introduction as a NBA player and once said that Wall could never be a real leader of men because his father died

Wesley Morris, Katie Baker and the Maester are all great too. Brian Phillips is a good writer when he doesn't get too self-indulgent.

This movie really could have used more Darko Milicic and Michael Sweetney.