Rusty Shackleford

Are we now just using schlubby to describe white people? Because I'm totally down for that.

Or they could have just made her a damn doctor. She drinks enough in the movie to pass as one.

ESPN does seem to value their random pockets of quality (30 for 30, Outside the Lines), they just know promoting Stephen A. Smith gets them more viewers. Without Simmons' astronomical salary and maybe pushing more advertisements they could probably keep the lights on. 538 on the other hand, they're probably done after

I feel awful for the writers but it seemed fairly ludicrous to think that Pitchfork could subsidize a movie site that didn't engage in the 24 hour content cycle.

I still can't tell if all his friends in the comedy scene actually like him, or they just like having him around so they can talk about how much he sucks. Love his Doug Loves Movies appearances though.

I switched gyms last year and the new one is affiliated with a rehab center, thus lots of old white dudes and all the TVs set to FNC. It's incredible how consistent the tone and message of each program is, regardless of the host or format. Shepard Smith and once in a blue moon Megyn Kelly are basically the only people

Comedy is the new music. Even when I agree with certain things, I can't stand to read any criticism because it's all so poorly written and the reactions from comedians make them look like the biggest group of babies ever.

And in case you weren't completely horrified, here's some fun reading on how WMA pimped out women to Cosby and possibly paid off other clients to slander women who spoke out.

Also, the cast basically swears off any real publicity for the show. You never see those guys (and lady) slumming it on the same 50 LA comic podcasts, they are barely on late night TV with the exception of Charlie and that's usually for a movie. They've just quietly kept humming along for a decade.

Any company that happily employed Benny Johnson has no scruples.

I'm always reminded of that Dustin Hoffman story where he stayed up all night to look disheveled for the Marathon Man, and Laurence Olivier basically went, "Have you tried acting?"

The oscillating fan is pretty much the creative high point of the franchise.

I think part of it is highlighting how Piper is playing gangster and seemingly waltzing through prison life (at least this season) and everyone else is barely hanging on by a thread.

So you mean Kate Upton? Yeah, America despises her.

Mad Men got me into cocktails, specifically the scene where Don makes an old fashioned for Conrad Hilton. It just looked so cool and also kinda relaxing?

"Keep guzzling down our corporate swill garbage" as you type away furiously from a mass produced electronic device that will be obsolete by the end of the year, be discarded and contribute to our dying ecosystem. But good on you for avoiding Chips Ahoy, that's really fighting the power.

This was my biggest beef with this season. They spend a lot of time establishing that none of these women have any clue how to deal with the outside world, yet we're always getting these by the numbers flashbacks about the outside world. Asian lady was a smuggler! Butch lesbian was unapologetic! Spoiled white women

Honestly, I think they just picked Silver as a target because going after Politico or HuffPo or Salon wouldn't even register. They don't have any identifiable trait besides being frequently stupid.

The only reason I know about it is because if you're friends with a single Pinoy the only acceptable topics of conversation are food, Kobe Bryant and Manny Pacquiao.

He didn't collude his way into anything. He's the best player in the league, he shouldn't feel obligated to suffer under the incompetence of executives who can't do their jobs properly.