Rusty Shackleford

With 90% of the music choices altered because of licensing/royalties so a lot of big moments I remember loving from the show fall kinda flat.

Add Casey Wilson to that list.

I'm sure people in the legal profession are immune to this by now but holy fucking shit Len and Mike O'Kelly were just straight up amoral. It's disturbing to think how many other clients they've screwed over just like Brendan. "Evil incarnate", the man should probably look in the mirror.

Let's just say by the end of the series multiple attorneys validate every negative stereotype people have of their profession.

I figure it's about 50% vanity and 50% trying to be a good son and protect his parents from any media craziness.

Dale won my favorite Quickfire challenge ever. They had to filet (or butcher or whatever the fuck the proper term is) a ton of fish at Eric Ripert's restaurant, then had to make a dish out of all the discarded guts and stuff.

Stephanie Izard's Girl and the Goat is also fantastic.

It's funny because that's kind of how a lot of South Asian immigrants sound so it doesn't even faze me. The constant sound effects "dings and tics" and always adding man to the end of every sentence is peak middle-aged brown man.

That sounds exactly like Minnesota.

I kind of like when the show is just strictly about food. It keeps Bourdain from falling into his usual mix of self-pity/arrogance, along with making weird proclamations about large cultures. Everyone kept talking about the Iran episode but it just felt like awards show bait, then you look at the Bronx episode and you

The first season of Lost is the best one and it coincided with Season 4 of The Wire, so yeah it's kind of a bad argument. But it definitely was the best and most interesting drama on network television since…ER? Homicide?

Man, Heroes vs Lost. There's a lot of things I miss about the internet of 10 years ago but that is not one of them.

He seems like your typical super rich technocrat. Moderate social liberal who worships at the altar of capitalism, not that I blame him.

Godfather is also another instance of translating a pretty shitty/forgettable book into an incredible work of cinematic art. All the material for I and II are in Puzo's original book, but it has none of the gravitas and all of the ludicrous subplots.

I never understood why medium-rare was considered an aristocratic preference, but that is definitely one of my favorite scenes of all-time. Also underrated, Paulie says "Now we can eat" when Henry busts out the red wine, as if they were just going to throw out this elaborate feast if they only had whiskey and white

I think it's because Chris Berman wants to feel important and sit in the broadcaster's booth instead of a studio surrounded by 14 ex-jocks wearing quintuple Windsor knot ties.

A stranger is just a friend you haven't met!

In conclusion, Libya is a land of contrasts.

Or the time he kills his patient before the other serial killer gets a chance to purely out of spite.

Coming in 2020: Silence of the Lambs reboot with more memes and meta humor!