Rusty Shackleford

Don't forget the roller coaster and beehive. Plus, the music was just as incredible as the first one.

Gotta show some love for the 5th Wheel, which was a softcore Bang Bus that actually made stops.

Not to mention the Simpsons were already all over the fucking place at that point. Butterfinger commercials, video games, every conceivable type of corporate synergy FOX could think of. They already did the crossover episode with The Critic a year before, none of this was a shock to the system.

Or he's been poisoned by cyanide and knows that amyl nitrate is an effective antidote.

A tie between Osmosis Jones and The Island of Dr. Moreau. I can't remember why 11 year old me was so excited for Osmosis Jones but it was so bad my friend forced me to watch Rush Hour 2 right after as a palate cleanser.

My comment imploring everyone to watch this show with a good sound system was validated about a thousand times over.

Anyone who watches this show on a laptop: For the love of god borrow some nice headphones or watch this at a friend's house who has a nice sound system. I'm a caveman when it comes to noticing the finer points of television but Hannibal is simply the best sounding show on air.

The only thing I think the book does better than the movie is Malcolm slowly but surely unraveling all the flaws. The faulty Gaussian distribution, the way they fucked up the motion trackers, that's the kind of stuff that just wouldn't translate to film but it's awesome that in like 30 pages you realize the park is a

Season 7 is by far my favorite. I just love that a group of human beings thought they were seriously getting DARK AND GRITTY because a movie star started doing coke and banging a porn star. And if I'm not mistaken the season ends with Eminem beating the shit out of Vince.

I follow Jenkins on Twitter and I think he writes for VICE now. Or maybe he freelances for both? It's hard to tell who is actually employed by which hip media conglomerate anymore.

Watch 5 minutes of a football game and the answer would become quite obvious.

I have thirty films under my sub-species.

"I said my piece Chrissy!"

The only reason his suicide scene elicits any emotion is because Gandolfini and Falco absolutely fucking crush it. I remember thinking "Yeah just die already" and then when Tony jumps in the pool and Carmela breaks down at the hospital I absolutely lost it.

Also the way he managed to work in some shitty, CSI-style pun.

Because teenagers are so rational? A child would just assume his mommy is correct about everything. A teenager threatens to start a war because he's no longer getting laid.

It's hard to act well when you're given dialogue and action sequences fit for a Power Rangers episode. We've seen people elevate the material in previous seasons but good grief the Dorne shit is about as bad as this show has ever been.

Yeah, the show at its most ruthless basically shines a light on the fake sensibilities of these tech companies. They are so desperate to prove they are "different" than soulless industries like finance or healthcare but in the end they're just as driven by greed and power. The whole "We have ping-pong and 20 types of

Yeah when it comes down to it, seems like Conan and his representation fucked up way more than anything else. Leno is a schemer and NBC acted like any large corporation governed by short-sighted logic. It probably doesn't matter as much if Conan had a clause locking him into 11:35.