Jill S

I agree with the distance thing. I've heard that JTV is going to reveal the identity of the narrator eventually and then he'll be a real character but for now it works because he's separated from the plot in a way Jughead is really not.

Oh I forgot about Pushing Daisies I love that show! Yeah I think it works better when the Narrator can comment from the outside and do more than just opening and closing statements. And it works better in more heightened reality which Riverdale has moments of but seems to be doing a good job of grounding that in good

I'm curious of the kids' backstory now. We know Archie and Betty went to elementary school together I thought it was assumed that the rest did too, including Jughead. And the three of them were close as kids but I guess this wasn't the case? Jughead and Archie were best friends so either Jughead didn't know about his

I like what they've done with them a lot. Betty and Jughead get each other and they're supporting each other as much as they can it's very sweet. Both of them need something solid and good in their lives and I'm glad it's each other. I don't think they've 'defined' the relationship yet given all the other drama in

Half his personality is just "You're lucky you're pretty"

The Grey's Anatomy style opening and closing voiceovers tend to be a little heavy handed as well. It's rare that narration works really well (See Jane the Virgin, though that's partially because the Narrator is super snarky) this one ties the episode together well but it's never going to be the best part of the show

This was such a good episode. Showing all the main cast friendships, furthering the mystery and angst, giving us some resolution (where Jughead was staying) and backstory. Can't believe we have to wait two more weeks

So the Fred-Heads was the foreshadowing for The Archies right?

Yeah it seems like there was a lot of drama in the parents generation and I really want to see that.

I really like Betty and Jughead's friendship and I hope they work out as a couple but the timing was a little off. As adorable as the whole Juliet thing was she's really preoccupied with Polly/her parents/the mystery (and rightfully so). I'm hoping we'll get more development of them especially on her side in the next

Honestly all the kids getting their own place and solving mysteries sounds like the perfect ending to this show.

I'm so close to making a Riverdale: Bad Parenting Bingo card. Fred and Sheriff Keller need to hold seminars or something yeesh

I did not realize I needed her as female Joker but oh my gosh she'd be amazing

This episode just cemented how ridiculous and amazing this show is.

Exactly. I'm glad it's at least temporarily over, though I still think she'll be back and she or an ex of hers had something to do with Jason's murder. The fact that they tried to make her sympathetic right before she left town was so annoying, thankfully the last shot kinda proved she's creepy af

I wasn't blaming Michael (sorry if I came across that way), I mean the time skip more. I wish we could have had him and the time skip honestly. I'm glad that we're getting a new journey and seeing both what all the characters are up to now and seeing them in new places. It shakes things up well.

I don't think they've said but Jennie Urman refers to this as 'the midpoint' so I'm assuming there will be 2+ more parts (depending on renewals/actor schedules etc.)

As much as I'm going to miss Michael, this show was getting a bit boring this season and I was hoping for a time jump so we could get some new plotlines going. I wish he could have stayed along for the ride but it's going to be exciting to see where the show goes from here. There are so many questions (and it was so

I'm so sad about Michael dying he was such a good character and he and Jane honestly gave me so much hope for the future. It's so rare to see a happily married couple on tv. I'm going to miss him, all the detective stuff (because he was our main connection to the cop drama - which did get a bit stale in season 2 and

I think Part One was Jane being pregnant and it ended with Mateo being born and Rose subsequently taking him. Aka Season One.