Jill S

My mom and I rewatched basically the entire series on Netflix because honestly no other show compares to this one <3 Gilmore Girls has the mother-daughter-multigenerational stuff, Pushing Daisies has the bright colors and great narrator, Ugly Betty has the telenovela plots, but nothing blends them as seamlessly as

Okay so how many episodes until we get Petra back. And who is going to figure it out? I thought Raf or Michael but maybe Jane?

I have waited so long for this episode and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time hoping Michael would live. How this show manages to be so sweet, smart, funny, and heartbreaking every week I will never understand. Thank god it exists though.

You make a really good point. Sending a 12 year old to take care of a baby wasn't a great idea, I guess they just wanted to make sure the kids were alive? I still don't understand it much but hey, at least everyone is doing alright now?

I'm sad to see Clark and Cat go but Cadmus does sound like it'll be an interesting villain this season (wait are we going to get Superboy at some point???) and I'm excited to see more of Lady Luthor

Honestly I didn't really get the whole "Superman should've taken care of you" argument that much like I see the point but Clark was what, in his early 20's when Kara landed? He was just starting out as Superman and figuring things out he was not in a position to take care of her and he obviously kept in touch

The first two seasons of this show were good- cheesy but funny and 12-episode arcs that were well plotted. And then the third season came, had potential but everything kept falling apart so they brought evil Stiles which was good. I feel like half the cast and writing team left and the show started taking itself too

While quite a bit of The West Wing remains relevant (especially partisan bickering and trying to get governing done through a messy system), the old-style computers etc. make the show seem really dated at times.

Honestly, I watch Grey's for the friendships as much as/even more than for the romances. That said, the most impressive part of the show for me is the fact that it continually manages to handle cast turnover.

Not sure if this was intentional, but I got a laugh out of the meta of "guys freaking out that a woman makes more than them" (though in this context it's that they're founders of the company and should get more equity than a new hire and she was messing with them) given the equal pay problems everywhere.

After all the emotions this time next week sounds completely ridiculous….and hilarious!

I thought the exact same thing. I really liked this episode and I like the way it was but I was expecting it to be a fake and that could've been interesting.