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    Thank you, that fight shouldnt have been aired, it made me wonder who lets this stuff make the cut but if it lands Barbara in jail with hopefully less screen time, I'm happy.

    Haha not all of the new episodes, try Holidays of Future Past from season 23 for one of the best newer episodes but you can check out the A.V Club reviews for more. Seasons 20-23 had some good episodes, ignore season 24 though, please.

    I dont care about Barbara but Fish is dead, this season is the end of her contract with Gotham. Plus it's hard to swim while shot, thus bleeding out and losing oxygen and energy

    Hey where is the season grade? @kylefowle

    Barbara's grr noise while fighting was really forced i couldnt take the fight seriously while listening to it.

    And I'm just here, a kid in his teens, who has seen every episode. At least when some guy says kids watch the simpsons because they never saw the classics, I can stand up for myself.

    I've seen every episode trust me there are more good episodes just skip most of season 17, peek at 18, watch season 19's "The Debarted" and "Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson mind" and then most of the HD episodes from season 20-23. :D Thats just my opinion!

    Maybe crazy Ol'Netflix will help Futurama, they seem interested in adoption right now.

    Who knows, probably ended around season 9 or 10. It is unfortunate how some people stopped watching there, there are some great episodes from season 11+.

    I know and when The Simpsons brought him home for a while last year, I was happy but Futurama's visit was short and unsatisfactory, it could have been a better visit if it had more time. Were u there for the visit?

    Now i get 2 more years worth of simpsons to watch for "the sake of watching every episode"

    Yup, they already said they can.

    I want to visit Futurama, i heard it left for a bit though but i'll come along to see if its back.

    You forgot the bacon and eggs flavor ice-cream!

    Thank you for helping me not look like an idiot when discussing the episode with my friends.

    How did Hannibal Bates step through Cisco's shield thingy, unless im missing how it works, I thought it was via speed but that bullet got through and not Barry, plus we saw Barry move faster than lightning (when the weather guy attacked him and Joe) so that bullet should have been a piece of cake to catch.


    When Cisco was lucid dreaming i was telling myself that he cheated death once now he's going to have a heart attack.

    Wells watches Iris and Eddie have sex and Wells can easily kill everyone in their sleep right now,great. Also why does every meta human that they decide to lock up always end up dying.

    It pissed me off how Bullock had the perfect opportunity to sneak up on Ogre but instead he shouts at him, that was the smartest move I have ever seen.