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    I see promise when i read the plot description of some of these episodes but then they do this and bring in a dumb Family guy-esque joke to send it off.

    Me neither I thought Todd was different, looking at his past.

    Well, Rest in Peace Melissa+Todd's Relationship, at least Melissa is still cool

    Pretty sure there are 3 episodes left

    Jermaine doesnt have salt, so what happens if it rains?

    This episode's message was great but it was another depressing Ice King episode, the guy needs a break, I honestly never hated Ice King his constant search for happiness is something I can relate too especially since he tried to create people perfect for him which is something I wish to do but everyone is different.

    No the bee is the subject of that sentence, How did the bee restart?

    Question, how did the bee that stung Cisco come back to life?

    Thank you for ending that marriage and for changing Phil? maybe? I hope?

    No bro, peace and love, we can all be Zachary

    True but I think space race was really fun and Filibuster was as well especially when Archer found out he was the father of Lana's child

    Wow I found the reason why i can't use my full name, Well, hello Zachary, I'm Zachary

    Rank the season finales! My opinion starting from the best
    Season 3 (Space race)
    Season 5 (Filibuster)
    Season 4 (Sea Tunt)
    Season 2 (Double Trouble)
    Season 6 (Drastic Voyage)
    Season 1 (Dial M for mother)
    If anyone cares, place your order below!

    Weird how Cyril spoke about committing suicide and by crashing the ship and killing everyone else in the process which is what happened recently when that pilot planned to do when he crashed that plane in the alps

    When The Trickster mentioned the Breaking Bad it confused me so i remembered the low security prison Sideshow Bob was in in The Simpsons(It was decked out with televisions and a golf course)

    We gotta leave Phil alone his behavior may be horrible but remember he was suicidal, thought he HAD to be wth Carol, who i would say he liked not loved, later to find out a woman perfect for him would arrive. Phil is really nice because he could have had sex with Melissa when she revealed she was horny but he even

    As much as i hate Iris, Barry deserved what he got for going full idiot and Why is Iris such a snitch!
    Also how did Dr. Harrison-Wells know that that guy ( whats his name) was going to reveal his theory about Dr. Harrison-Wells' actions?

    Oh, i see now

    That moment when you realize The SImpsons got a higher grade than bob's burgers, and brooklyn nine-nine and almost beatThe Last Man On Earth(seems enjoyable, P.S thanks for taking Family Guy off air for the night)

    Nice job Simpsons! hitting that A