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    Speaking of big swings seems we are getting a two-parter episode next season, which hasn't been done in forever so lets see how that goes.

    That depends, i agree with the B grade because after seeing every other season this one lacked episodes with 0 funny jokes or ones that made me fall asleep.

    These kind of comments make me feel bad for watching every episode.

    Thank you! Also i appreciate you reviewing this show, it must be painful at times.

    Funny how every Simpsons premiere/finale gets a bad review on this site, I actually hoped for a second that the finale wouldn't be in C range or below this season.
    Also where is the season grade?

    Sorry if this is dumb question but, why was Adventure Time airing on a Saturday?

    For a guy who wants to conquer the earth Zoom sure lives in a crappy place, why not upgrade his home, like the conqueror he is?

    If Zoom is willing to kill his prisoners, why is he keeping them there? He suffocated Killer Frost and said he'd kill the Masked Guy so why doesnt he just kill them? Plot?

    Two unsuccessful attempts at acknowledging season premieres and where did that get us? Two bad attempts at trying to have some sort of dramatic story line.

    Havent seen the episode yet but now i know they somehow messed it up and i've seen every episode, so is this really the worst? In 2 weeks an episode about Patty and Selma quitting smoking is coming out so i hope they do something with that.

    "I love Rick and Mory", is Mory a Morty from a dimension that doesn't have Ts?

    Waddles, less cameos more complete episodes please.

    I live in Barbados and can confirm that we are all sexy men who love Jamaican women, married or not.

    Well, Hirsch did sayhe wants the show to go for atleast 3 seasons, so maybe they can pull a Phineas and Ferb and have it last a little longer.

    Yeah, I know I stalk this show, im talking about the airdate for the next major episode, Disney will probably pull even more crap, remember how long it took for them to air the last three episodes of season one? I dont trust them to give us a third major episode this year.

    This episode may have been one big party but we are forgetting Bill Cipher said Something big is going to happen but then again we should enjoy this party since we will probably get our next big episode in about 1000+ years, thanks Disney!

    This series taught me some stuff, but that stuff is just one lie after another. Stan is lucky I can't hate him.

    First Season: Gideon-"Stanford I'm taking your home!"
    Second Season: Stanford-"when summer is over, get out!"
    Stan is bound to be homeless.

    If that story is a lie, my friend and I will no longer quote and laugh at that scene like we used to, Stan?!?! Say it isn't so!

    So the nice little story Stan told Dipper, late last season, about himself being a wimp was a lie? The teenage Stan in this episode doesnt match up with the nerdy looking Stan who yelled "LEFT HOOK" when he punched out that guy.Sorry if no one remembers.