
As a woman, I was like, "How come dudes are always so bad at sizing up their fellow dudes accurately?"

- Damn, Molly. "More than a bit of luck," indeed. I like to think this is one of the things that Will loves about her, that she's got grit and that she's a survivor.

Ah yes, the awkward "Okay so maybe my baggage includes a murder husband and maybe I'm still a little bit fucked up from it" conversation every stepfather has with their stepkid.

Hm, how would I find this interview?

You saw it, but S&P didn't.

Don't ask if you don't really want to know, haha

Francis is so fit.

- I really enjoyed the Bedelia/Will scenes. I loved and appreciated how it played with my own thoughts of her as a "victim," but mostly I just loved how Hannibal's ex-wives were so terribly catty with each other.

"He sends me recipes"

Uhhh I seriously thought you were talking about Caroline Dhavernas instead of Rutina Wesley. I was like, "But this show is AWESOME!!! How dare you!!!!!"

Totally. He really doesn't seem to have control over himself.

Dude, is that really out there in the internets?? Hm… I tried to get tickets once but it was such a hot show that they sold out for that day's performance by the time I got to the box office. So many regrets!

Aw, I think it's lovely that he needs to fill that void in his heart by giving these strays a home.

Why do I get the feeling S&P would cockblock this episode…

Man, I was kinda mad at Armitage for making Dolarhyde seem pitiable. I really did feel for him and then had to remind myself that he's a horrid individual. So many conflicting emotions!!

totally missed that! haha

I'm worried about Alana's fate. :(

I find that shift in the Will/Alana dynamic fascinating and really fun to watch, for sure!

Yeah, I'd heard about Wesley's schooling, so I was always disappointed by what a pointless drag her True Blood character seemed to be. This single episode did so much more to build goodwill than that show ever did.

I thank Bryan Fuller every week for all the endless innuendo. #blessed