
Still, as far as endings go, I'd say they nailed this one. The questions they left us are intriguing more than they are annoying.

I hear you. I was very conflicted about Will breaking bad.

I was so glad that Reba made it out!!

Hey Olga, I just want you to know that I understand. I didn't think that my joking about fangirling would actually be perceived as actual fangirling at its most annoying. After all, even Fuller seemed to welcome it and laughed along. I know it can be frustrating and seem like it's bringing down the level of

Oh, okay. I'm sorry.

Having said all that sappy shit…

"Think of me, Will."

Really?? That's actually kinda cool. Didn't know Harris had it in him, from everything y'all have been telling me about the novels, hahaha

Yeah, I had no idea about the football game and I missed the first couple of minutes while I googled whether the episode had been pushed to another time or day. Eventually I figured it out, but it was frustrating that we're almost at the end and NBC is dumping the show so unceremoniously.

I seriously feel like if the fanbase wasn't so lady-centric, we would not have been treated to such a great moment.

- I admire Hannibal's restraint in hearing Chilton call himself Hannibal's nemesis. I LOL'd on Hannibal's behalf.

"Muthafucka, I made you chicken soup and this is the thanks I get?"

You're right, I bet she'd make a wonderfully boozy brunch.

Oh believe me, it was the only thing I knew him from before this but I was still incredibly pumped about hin being cast as Dolarhyde!

I haven't read the books so I didn't know about that. It really must shift things a lot.

Explains why he took it so well and he was all like, "[Mortal Kombat voice] FINISH HIM!"

YES. Me too.

Um, dinner?

Now? When Molly said "I blame Crawford," I thought back on how hard he was on Will in S01 and I felt mad all over again.

Shhh. Let's start freaking out next week. I can't think about it just yet.