
I don't think that's entirely fair! The actual alien stuff is kind of a drag but I thought Ripley's story arc was really compelling. Like she was already so complex in the first movie, and they she gets a whole 'nother layer that makes her unique when it comes to cinema heroines, yes?

Holy shit, I'm sorry you were ill. Do you know how you got it?

Oh my god. That's an awesome story!!! You helped Geoffrey Rush! You're a fucking hero.

Don't leave me hanging! Who else is on that list??

Wait I want to hear everything about your Geoffrey Rush encounter!!

You know, I would probably lose my cool completely if I met Mikkelsen. Cos Claire Danes and Hugh Dancy are kinda rooted in NYC, whereas I'd be way more shocked to see Mikkelsen on my turf.

Haha, I would definitely give Will a hug, but I wouldn't touch a single hair of Hugh Dancy, especially with his wife around!

OMG NO! I would never. Never, ever. It was bad enough that we made eye contact and I held it for too long.

Thank you so much for the rec! I don't know that I've even seen a Colombian movie so I will definitely check this one out.

[EDIT: Never mind, was having technical difficulties but it's all good.]

Most importantly—GET READY FOR IT—I bumped into Hugh Dancy and Claire Danes. You don't even understand. Like Hannibal is literally the only TV show I watch live when it airs. And this was on Saturday, and I'd spent most of my work day reading the comments on the most recent recap (while I worked, obviously). So I

I figured. But still, I think I'll wait until the season is over and then treat myself to an awesome read.

I have to say, when they were speculating on how a man with a broken back could have escaped, all I could think was "HODOR."

Oh no, it's cool. Though I appreciate the apology. Either way, I'm looking forward to the show revisiting that fight. They're such teases.

You know, I've been avoiding those walkthroughs like the plague for exactly this reason, because he gives definite answers about what's coming up. If he's gonna do that I'd rather go into each episode knowing as little as possible.

- And I thought last week's episode was incredible. Wow. The EDITING, y'all! I was really impressed by the flowers in the beginning, but also the way they cut that scene with Hannibal and Abel Gideon having that meal. Like Gideon picks up the fork, and Hannibal is looking at him all expectantly like, "Do it bro,

It's not showing because TVDW is not assigning letter grades to this. Since the series is mostly pretty excellent he'd probably just dole out a bunch of A's and A-'s, so there's really no point.

Oh gawd, I feel silly. I wondered why the AVC was recapping this show "again" when you'd done it so well the first time and you could be spending your energy on some other worthy show… I just realized that I was thinking of all the Sepinwall recaps, which were pretty awesome. Well, now I'm really looking forward to

Dear Graydon, I'm just going to pretend you went through all 1000+ comments on this days old post and decided to pick on me of all people. I'm honored.