That's hilarious, I keep meaning to watch Burnt Money and I finally tracked it down on YouTube last week! I haven't hit play yet but I'll definitely get to it this week since you're enthusiastic about it. (Eduardo Noriega is one handsome mofo!!)
That's hilarious, I keep meaning to watch Burnt Money and I finally tracked it down on YouTube last week! I haven't hit play yet but I'll definitely get to it this week since you're enthusiastic about it. (Eduardo Noriega is one handsome mofo!!)
Hell's bells, really? I totally missed it. But there were a lot of familiar faces, which was pretty delightful. I love that Ayoade is building up a really wonderful, reliable repertory company.
Brazil is a massive weak point for me because they've had such a strong cinematic legacy. But I've seen the original Elite Squad and it fucking blew me away. The violence got nasty and brutal and I'm absolutely against the main character's core principles, but I thought it was a narrative really well told. And if…
Have you seen After the Wedding already? That's my favorite Mikkelsen movie ever.
I popped in my copy of Manhunter in my DVD player and found out it was edited to fit the size of old TVs, so I quit on it. I'm trying to get hold of a copy with the proper ratio. I made the right decision, yes? I wish Netflix was clearer about different versions of the stuff they have. :(
…but Rookie of the Year…
Ooh, if you're ever looking for recs on South American stuff, I'm your gal.
My. I'm not even sure what this selfie thread is that you're talking about?
No fucking way… I even thought it was a stunt person. That makes me crush on this guy even harder!
I'm sorry to hear about the dog, and it's really cool your ex let you spend a bit more time with the poor thing.
Tim Key was in the new Richard Ayoade movie I just saw! It was very exciting, and he was really funny in it.
Unless my eyes failed me I think he's going to be in some big movie with Johnny Depp coming up. It was some sci-fi thriller type of thing? Can't recall the title.
True Scientist! Sign me up, yo!
Man, I'm glad I went to see The Raid 2 but the movie was so long it totally cut into my Cosmos time! I was actually bummed out I couldn't watch both things on the same night.
There's so much truth to this it's not even funny.
Well the whole movie Clooney pretends he's just one of us normal folk, which was implausible enough…
Oh! Is Plan B worth a watch then? That's good to hear.
Seriously, why does Marvel in particular stagger the movie releases? Event movies such as Harry Potter opened on the same day worldwide, didn't they?
Sometimes it's hard to reconcile the fact that there's real people behind our avatars, that's all.