

I don't even know why I wrote that comment last night. I was really tired and I was like, desperate for reassurance or something.

Oh my god Cliffy. If you edit this comment out of recognition I'm gonna be super mad at you!!

I really enjoyed my weekend, all the movies were interesting and rewarding and fun!

Monty, I don't know how to say this without sounding terribly creepy, but your twitter profile pic is… really handsome. Like handsome enough that you should be out mackin' on people and getting laid like crazy instead of hanging out with us dorks. Please tell me that picture was taken a decade ago and that you are

- HANNIBAL. Mads Mikkelsen in a speedo! I thank NBC every week for not cancelling this delightful show.

Right. And Will Graham is trying to feed Hannibal a shitload of Kalteen Bars.

Even the constant sound of liquid dripping. Ick. This show is such a perfect marriage of visuals and sound. Really kicks up the quality of this show from very good to instant classic.

Dude, that trick with the spatula was awesome!

Yah, I've been looking forward to it, I just didn't think it would fall on my lap on a Friday. I get so stressed out watching this TV show, I think I'll wait a day or two before I pop it into my DVD player.

Alana looked really beautiful in this episode. I loved how everybody kept saying she's the girl all the crazies like. Can't say I blame them.

Oh man. Hilariously, I got a DVD of Manhunter from Netflix today! It had been kicking on my queue a long time and it finally arrived in my mailbox. So I got that to look forward to…

What was really cool is that it really reminded me that he's supposed to be a human being, that he really isn't invincible and letting his guard down even just a little bit got him in serious trouble. The dart hit him and I was like, "Is it really that easy…?"

Thank you! I promise I won't forget anymore!

Oh, Freddie's got a beautiful head of hair that shouldn't be restrained by silly things such as hats. If she gets eaten that's what I'll miss most about her, her curly red hair.

THANK YOU. I feel bad that I keep forgetting their names. It was tough to watch them react to the news, but at least they have each other for a shoulder to cry on…

- Good news: Beverly wasn't lobotomized or given a gnarly Glasgow smile. Bad news: she just had the life squeezed out of her.

That moment when she wakes up in the hospital and Fishburne's reassuring her felt very real, not as if it was Jack speaking.

Thank you for not just blabbing the info here.

I totally missed the first couple of minutes and had no idea about the epilepsy trigger warning. I was shocked by how intense the lights were in that interview scene. Yikes.