
Oh, does Amy Poehler write for that show?? I thought she just threw money so that the two leads could make the show.

They pulled that shit with Moonrise Kingdom too, where only two places were playing it and every darn indie kid did their pilgrimage like they were going to Mecca (including me, mind you). I couldn't be bothered to do it again. I just hate crowds!

- Uh, reading Fahrenheit 451 FOR THE FIRST TIME. We were busy reading Animal Farm in middle school, okay?? Almost done with it. A bit spooky how relevant it can be at times.

I actually liked the ending to Sorcerer better, so you have that to look forward to!

The good thing is that the NYPL has loads of manga so that way you can try it out and see if it's too "foreign" for your tastes. Though honestly it shouldn't be too bad. I think the current printings of Nausicaa (which I've def. seen at the library) read left to right, anyway. Otherwise I'd suggest Saturn Apartments

I just saw The Changeling for the first time a couple of weeks ago!! It was so good. I was so very sad for the li'l ghost.

I thought the seance was way cool, when the lady was writing on the sheets of paper and schtuff.

[Runs off to google "how Bea Arthur got discharged from the army".]

It's pretty cool so far, though I'm still early on where Sarah Manning is just learning that she is not a beautiful and unique snowflake.

Gosh, I was just so excited last night. I'll try harder not to wake the neighbors next time.

I was wondering what the black ribbons were for! So sad.

Yeah, and I thought Squibb got the best clip of the night!

Of course it depends on the guests, but I've really grown to enjoy 8 Out of 10 Cats. I like Sean Lock and Jon Richardson.

Aside from offending my sensibilities from time to time, I think a big problem with Carr is that he's primarily a gag writer, which is hard to sustain for more than, say, 10 minutes.

Yup! I don't care for his standup much, but he's a terrific host. He's quick on his feet and builds a good rapport with people.

Oh man, I forgot too. Yes, Roseanne definitely should have been on here.

Oh, does Huge not count?

Mostly TV, for a change!

Break a (proverbial) leg!

I know!! I'm so excited. I'm excited about the comedy they're doing too, but seriously, Lithgow as Lear? CAN'T WAIT.