Don't you love Yorick and 355 and Dr. Mann??
Don't you love Yorick and 355 and Dr. Mann??
Hm, I'm curious about this thread but too scared about what it'll say. It'll probably piss me off too much, too.
My favorite Mads Mikkelsen performance is in After the Wedding! I love him, he's a wonderful actor.
Re: Likes. I had no idea it was for Likes received and not Likes given. Which makes sense because then I'd have a gazillion likes…
James Hong IS the best!
For some reason it's not a Judy Blume I read as a wee lass, maybe I'll try it out now. I hear it's got some great tips on how to increase one's bust…
I'm curious as to what changed your perception of the movie. I had a hard time with it. I've seen most of Malick's features and this wouldn't rank in the top 3 for me, so I'd love to hear some words in defense of the movie.
Haha, I feel your pain! So many holds, though, the library should buy a few more digital copies and ease the congestion…
Uh, already seen it like, three or four times. It's definitely one of those movies you catch while channel-flipping and then end up watching to the very end.
I like that, for a teen movie, it has really endured.
Aw, I've seen almost everything on your list. The reason I made this request in the first place is because even though I've seen lots of stuff, I feel like I've missed out on a lot of good movies directed or written by ladies. So I'm making a concerted effort to minimize my blindspot. Thanks for the suggestions…
Katharina Blum is great! I also saw Vision which was just okay. Featured the same actress who played Arendt, though, she was really great.
I've seen it! It was awesome. I'm cranky it didn't get nominated for an Oscar. -_____-
No, I'm not familiar with her at all. I guess I'll have to look into it.
Dogfight is one of my favorite movies!!! I even saw this musical version they did Off-Broadway!
I keep hearing her name, I guess I'll have to track down her stuff. Thanks!
I had no idea about her so thank you for this suggestion! I'm really interested in delving into her work now.
Is it a good movie? Or at least an enjoyable movie? Thanks for the rec.
Yep! Really liked it. Haven't seen Ramsay's Kevin, though, only Ratcatcher.
Ooh, I'm impressed by how comprehensive it is. I guess part of my difficulty looking for recommendations is that I'm asking for a specific type of story, too, one where at least one female character is plays a crucial role. So nothing like The Hurt Locker…