Crap I forgot to mention Jane Campion. I keep meaning to see An Angel at My Table, for sure.
Crap I forgot to mention Jane Campion. I keep meaning to see An Angel at My Table, for sure.
I don't know how to say this without sounding incredibly rude, but it shocks me that any commenter on the AV Club is pretty enough to be on TV, even if it's just their school network.
Aw, I have a soft spot for Lorna's Silence, ESPECIALLY because of the weird ending.
Lee Daniels' Purina Presents Day of Contrition
Oh yeah, if any of you can recommend me some movies directed and/or written by a woman, featuring at least one strong female character, that would be awesome. I don't care if it passes the Bechdel test. I already love people like Agnès Varda, Claire Denis, Lucrecia Martel, Kelly Reichardt, Icíar Bollaín, Deepa…
Not much. Failed to finish my horror movie project within two weeks, so I'm disappointed. I hope to finish before I try to catch up on Game of Thrones.
Have you read Janice Poon's blog posts about the food on Hannibal? Really fascinating.
That's plenty accomplishment for one weekend.
Are they not making it at all anymore??
Man, I'm trying to get The Bad Seed on Netflix disc service and it tells me I have a "long wait." I'm gonna be supersad if I have to modify my list.
Oh, it's not a horror primer. I've already seen Chain Saw… and it'll be a while before I see it again because it's maybe my #1 scariest movie I've seen. This list is to fill in gaps in my knowledge. Like I've never seen a Mario Bava movie, and I thought I should give Paranormal Activity a try. I tried to be…
Oh! I didn't even know a lot of those actors were Australian. I feel bad for not understanding the difference. I did find Moss's accent incredibly wobbly.
Yah, I liked that they really thought out the story and the characters, but they also went balls out with the practical effects and the copious amounts of fake blood.
@avclub-501c54d131c3b93043a744af0c259c58:disqus , @avclub-f62296b9393b6ab9229ebde91ed8469f:disqus
I don't know anything about Russian/former Soviet animation! I keep meaning to watch Winnie the Pooh and not making the effort. Thanks for the links, got a lot to learn about it.
So shocked about Philip Seymour Hoffman. He was a brilliant actor.
In all seriousness, I actually liked this episode a lot. The Mary reveal felt wedged in at first but once I got used to it, it was cool to see how well she fit in with Sherlock and Watson. I liked the argument that Watson chose her because he unconsciously loved the danger that she brought to his life.
Dude, I think you're great, but putting off Sullivan's Travels just won't do. I encourage you to go for it ASAP.
I'm jealous. I was so scared of the video that I didn't look it up again until I was in college. And then I was like, "Damn, this song is off the hook!" I missed out on so much!