
Was it hard getting rush tix? When did you go to the box office?

Actually, when I went to the theater recently and Hugh Jackman and his wife sat in the row behind me and my friend, we were specifically told that the seats right in front of them would stay empty. I guess some rich people do that so they can get the best view possible?

It just sounds like whatever the Fruitvale Station file was (I assume it wasn't actual film) was buggy or maybe the playback on whatever program they were using just sucked. I know it happens to me on occasion when I have a wonky DVD and I play it on something like Windows Media Player.

…I had no idea this was a thing.

It's funny, I've gone this far into the comments and only one user has mentioned Catching Fire (I may have missed a couple, but still, not many people). I like to guess what the picture on the weekend posts will be and I tend to get it so, so wrong.

I have such a crush on Terry McGinnis. He's a terrible boyfriend, but he's so cuuuuute…

Yay for the settlement!

Haha, I'd really encourage you to keep going with No. 9, the show was really wobbly in the beginning but it gets much stronger and they built a good foundation for the rest of NuWho. I really like Eccleston as the Doctor.

Aw, at least you're going for it with the novel writing. There's still a few days before the month is over!

Argh I've only caught the first ep and I'm annoyed because I found it really interesting (and beautiful to look at, yes?). I also felt racist against redheads because I really thought that the actresses playing Camille and Lena were sisters in real life. Just so everyone knows, I DON'T THINK ALL REDHEADS LOOK ALIKE,

Haha, I didn't care so much about the mysteries as much as I cared about how it affected Sarah Lund. It's fascinating watching her unravel. Haven't seen the third season yet, and I'm curious about it because Nikolaj Lie Kaas is the most famous person I recognize in all three seasons of the show and I want to see how

I never hung out at the TI so I had no idea about the kerfuffle and the spinoff website. Thanks for sharing the link.

Actually I thought the whole cast was really good!

Yeah, and at the very end where there's that "happily ever after" vibe to things and I wasn't sure that they earned the warm fuzzy feelings.

I'm usually like you. I found it weird that the movie bothered me, even while I enjoyed it.

If you've seen Bron/Broen you've already seen Forbrydelsen, right? I mention it not only because I'm crazy about the show, but also because you mention Prime Suspect. I find the lead character just as compelling as Mirren's Tennison.

Er, no I haven't seen the sequels cos I wanted to go in order. I know I need to catch up and mustard.

Yeah, I found them really mean. Slapstick is a tough thing for me, like I'm not a 3 Stooges fan either. I'm glad they're shorts so I'm willing to stick with the DVD and watch the rest.

Watched some movies:

I'd give this an A-. Some people find it a bit on the nose, I guess, but what I love is that it's so openly emotional. That speech Bing gives is so visceral and Kaluuya delivers it with so much fire. I couldn't look away from the screen. Makes the inevitable ending so chilling.