
I shouldn't encourage you by admitting this, but your comment made me LOL.

I finished off the season and I want to thank you for not spoiling all the stuff that happens with Sarah's partner. HOLY SHIT!

I'm pretty sure that's Benedict Wong. He gets a lifetime pass from me for 15 Storeys High.

Cecil Day-Lewis must be so proud.

That line is so famous and I kept waiting for it. I thought it was gonna be underwhelming but, in fact, it was so worth it. A++

I don't know. I was paying more attention to Zira and Cornelius. I really loved Zira!

I'm into military stuff so that thread has been really interesting to me, too! How's S03? Should I bother tracking it down?

Oh, I didn't think D'Angelo meant to be a meanie about it.

My God, that movie is so bleak. And the way everyone is made up to just look ashen and soulless, by the time the end credits rolled, I felt spent.

- Watched Planet of the Apes for the first time. I was blown away. I've known the ending for the longest time, but I was still blown away. I loved everything about it. It was quite different from how I imagined that Simpsons parody (I haven't seen the ep but I've heard that "Dr. Zaius" song a gazillion times).


Scott was just a starter boyfriend. I imagine Knives had loads of (age-appropriate) boyfriends who were into cool music AND who adored her through high school and college and in her 20s!

Seriously, of all the relationships to pick out of that show… Personally I was so invested in Lane and Dave Rygalski and wish they'd stayed together. They made sweet sweet music, doesn't that mean anything anymore??

Yeah, I think it's cool that she doesn't think she's too good for the advice and is willing to take those chances. (Pete, as a contrast, thinks he's got it all figured out and doesn't need anyone's wisdom as guidance.) She's so different from Joan but maybe because Joan brings her a fresh perspective on things,

I actually found the period touches refreshing because, since this first season is set in the early 60s, the mentality on display feels like a remnant of the 50s. Watching Mad Men for the first time, it felt like a nice counterpoint to the stereotypical baby boomer historical narrative arc of "peace, love, and rock &

Maybe this is spoilery but I was thinking recently about Peggy's trajectory on the show and I realized how often she's not necessarily and innovator and forging her own path, but that she's just keenly observant and picks up hints on how to behave from others. Think of how she places her hand on Don's at the end of

What about Firefly??

That's what I figured. I'm glad they've only hassled you good naturedly.

Wow, thank you for the rec!

Dang, maybe it's not meant to be. And not because there's a lack of love. If anything you sound very loving, the fact that you're not that bothered about the fact that she hasn't her SATC ideals. She sounds kinda hard on herself, maybe you need to let her go and let her do some growing up. I don't think it's fair