I'm glad you avoided that kerfuffle. Hope it was a false alarm?
I'm glad you avoided that kerfuffle. Hope it was a false alarm?
Was it for a specific martial art, or was it more general?
I hope people haven't been too unkind to you for wearing a Red Sox hat.
Well that teaches you not to spend any more quality time with your kid ;)
I'm going to pretend that downvote on your comment is from, like, a Benedict Cumberbatch fanatic.
Actually, I think it's aged well and become a cult classic. And considering De Niro's career path, his role in Midnight Run has become one of the highlights on his CV.
Ughhh I totally hate Kristen Stewart's "coming my hair with my hand" move, too. She has too many tics so I never forget that it's Kristen Stewart instead of the characters she's playing.
They can be exasperating affairs, so I'm always grateful for the few insights that may come out of them.
Q&As can go so wrong. There's always that person who needs to make a really long comment without a question mark at the end, and another who asks 5 million questions, and another person who asks something that the subject has no way of answering (asking an actor about the director's intentions, or asking a director…
I think 25th Hour came out shortly after 9/11 so people found it very resonant and as a surprisingly relevant love letter to NYC, even though the story is based on a book (by one of the Game of Thrones showrunners!) that was published way before 9/11 happened.
Oh wow. I love your choice of Halloween costumes!
Did you wear a fez?
Oh, how come you didn't start Freaks & Geeks at the beginning? That whole cast has done really well for themselves.
Aw, I loved Millie on Freaks & Geeks so much. Any other show would have kept her as a boring goody two-shoes that everyone could laugh at, but here she's a real person who loves math and god but also has a secret boyfriend.
I appreciate that you're putting in the effort but you make women sound like such unfathomable creatures. You know why? Women make up about half the world population so trying to figure us out as a whole makes no sense—we're so diverse and we have different things we love, different values, different desires and…
Leguizamo has done some terrible work, but this is one of the things that gives him a lifetime pass from me.
As long as you don't give up on Jeopardy, we're good.
Ooh, I wish I had that time on my hands. I'm racing to finish it within the week cos I got the DVD set from the library and there's a shit ton of people waiting for it. I'm going at a good pace though, it's hard to not jump to the next ep as soon as the credits roll cos the story's so good and that ensemble cast is…
Huh. I may have to track it down. The actual story was very moving and surprisingly relevant (particularly, the young girl who's into celebrity and fame).