
Ah, The Simpsons! They've "ruined" a lot of stuff for me, too. The ones that really stand out for me are A Clockwork Orange, Rear Window and The Shining er, The Shinning.

I don't have the best hearing so I actually watch EVERYthing with subtitles or closed captioning. I was worried about the accents but now I'm used to them (except McNulty's, LOL). Still in the dark about some of the slang, though.

Lord no, I didn't say a single word. It was just a really really handsome dude and his wife on their night out, there was no reason for me to bother him.

Well, it's not like she's gone to prison or something, didn't one of the cast members end up locked up or in some other trouble?

I'll just catch it on YT, honestly I'm a little surprised that the AV Club is willing to talk about stuff that isn't readily available (legally) for Americans, though I guess there's precedence for that.

I don't know anything about that show but I'm definitely gonna do some research!


… sorry, I'm way too tired so I may have missed it, but is this available on region 1?? Or do I have to seek it out through illicit means?

My favorite Lou Reed fact is that when he was a teen, he was hospitalized and given electroshock therapy because he exhibited homosexual tendencies. Gonna miss him. At least his music will live on.

Yeah, Who Will Cut Our Hair… is one of those albums I can enjoy from start to finish.

Who did your cousin play?

HOLD UP. Tell me about this Samurai Pizza Cats DVD. Is it like a region 1 DVD? But is it dubbed or subtitled?? I used to watch it as a wee lass, back in the old country and I loved it but I'd love to see what it's like as a grown up.

Make sure to watch the longer ("miniseries"?) version!

Mads Mikkelsen, what a dreamboat!

I was so surprised to find out 12 Years a Slave wasn't wide, either. Like here in NYC it was in only 3 locations (all of them in Manhattan), and clearly they had so much demand that they all had to have multiple theaters. It was so good, it should really be available to as many people as possible.

I think Gaiman is really good at reading his own stuff. You'd think it would be easy enough, but if I had a penny for every boring author without stage presence…

Hope you enjoy it! I find it delightful.

Yesssss… I haven't seen him in anything else but there's something so warm about Bichir. I've been taking forever finishing the season cos the show isn't like, great, but he's definitely one of the things that keeps me watching.

… that "How Jack got his tattoos" episode is literally the one episode of Lost I refuse to ever watch again.

Can't wait for the new Farhadi to come out in NYC!!