
Oh, Franko. Sending you a hug or two or ten. & I thought Disqusgeddon was bad enough…

Thanks for mentioning that book about narcocorridos, I've seen it around and looked interesting.

Ugh, "Grenade."

Excuse me, where is this magical land where movie tickets are only $4?

Hmm, this meetup sounds tempting, but I'm not ready for y'all to find out I look nothing like the book cover of A Clockwork Orange.

…are they really called "satisfries"?? o_o

(1) Arcade Fire is a wonderful band. I don't know who these haters are. (2) That concert crowd sounds awful. So fucking entitled. Encores are a privilege, not a right.

I don't know where you live but here in NYC when I go to the movies, the vast majority of the time I'm surrounded by old folks. (I tend to go during the week, in the middle of the day.) They tend to be a cranky, adventurous, cinema-loving bunch and I hope that when I'm old I'm just like them.

BELIEVE ME, I haven't forgotten that either. I think that's what added to my unease when I saw the movie, just remembering all this gossip, not just that he consistently dates black women (often younger than he is), but also those allegations from that one woman. I was particularly disturbed that this news made a

I absolutely recommend 12 Years a Slave. I'm jealous that, until I mentioned it, you weren't much aware of Fassbender's personal life. Like, I'd rather you didn't keep it in mind when you watch the movie and I only mentioned it because I haven't heard anyone else dwell on this. I found it somewhat distracting, yes,

What was up with Jefferson macking on Abigail? I was like, "Boy you needs to check yoself!!"

I'm going to have to look this song up!

Hm, well, I find "Royals" stupid on a musical level, like I don't find the melody dynamic enough. I can't comment on how dumb the lyrics might be because pop music was built on horribly trite lyrics. Thanks for mentioning this other song, though, I'm writing her off just yet.

OMG I haven't wept like that yet! Either it's gonna get epic or I'm a stone cold bitch!

All that stuff in France was hilarious and awful.

Uhh, I'm trying to like this comment, but when I click it automatically upvotes AND downvotes at the same time. NuDisquuuuus!!

YES that part with the king was so great!

I didn't know Fruity Loops still existed! God bless Fruity Loops and the million reggaetón songs it launched!

Aw, I guess if I'm honest I knew this was going to be a mess. I guess I'll just wait for all the music video reenactments to show up on YouTube.

- Last week I mentioned my coworker who dismissed a movie for being "too French." I finally remembered he was referring to La Ronde by Ophüls. When I remembered I couldn't stop laughing. As the French would say: Quel con!