Yeahhh I love the accents. I made the error of going to the IMDB page for John Adams and someone in the forum complained that so many actors were British. I was like, SRSLY?
Yeahhh I love the accents. I made the error of going to the IMDB page for John Adams and someone in the forum complained that so many actors were British. I was like, SRSLY?
Aw, of the PTA I've seen so far, Punch Drunk Love is also my least. I didn't know about Hard Eight until recently so I'm excited about tracking it down.
That tarring and feathering business was genuinely nauseating. Reminded me of Band of Brothers where they're in the Netherlands and watching all these women get their hair shorn off in public because they'd slept with Nazis. I really wanted to barf during both instances.
I wasn't clear. He's actually eaten his veggies. Lots and lots of them. And it's gotten to the point where it's like, "What do you have to prove?" He's older than me and he's done his time and he knows what he's into, so maybe it's time for him to just eat whatever meat he likes and die happy from a (METAPHORICAL)…
Oh my god, I had no idea Jon Brion was in the movie. God, that whole demo sequence was so funny. Both Reilly and Wahlberg. I belly laughed for the first time in a long while.
Of course it was followed with a comment that he hates musicals. I was like, "So why did you fucking bother??"
LOL, it was something French but I don't recall which movie in particular. I definitely stopped paying attention when he said that.
Actually, nooooo. Part of the problem is that he really does know a lot about movies. Like he's seen more than 2/3 of the They Shoot Pictures list whereas I've only just reached about 1/3—I absolutely believe him. But it's gotten to the point where he's only watching movies on that list because they're on the…
Scary. Glad to hear they didn't hurt her, but still. Sucks.
That's so cool!!
I didn't realize Disqusgeddon was happening today. I'm pretty wary of the downvoting business…
"The Site That Must Not Be Named." My personal euphemism for the site is "the place across the street."
Some stuff I watched:
Hey, can I ask about the new Mark Rylance productions—is there audience participation and such? I'm asking because I'm thinking about buying tickets on the actual stage, but I'd be too scared if the actors tried to interact with the audience. I'm also curious about how much it would obstruct my view from certain…
I don't know if this is unfair but I got the feeling that the fans of this show tend to be teens/younger adults who are comforted by its safe depiction of punk culture—basically kids who, if they'd been around a decade earlier, they would have found comfort in the safe portrayal of the gritty AIDS-ridden Lower East…
Musical aside, I really love the original American Idiot album…
Dang, Passing Strange. What a great musical. One of the few times I've given a standing ovation at a show.
Ah, someone else who appreciates Stark Sands!
- I discovered the Lennon Sisters. I don't think they're amazing, but there's still a charm to them. Like this performance of "Que Sera Sera". Actually what's so nice about them is that they're not freakishly talented, they really seem like girls next door.
Oh, I see how my post was confusing. Sorry about that. Yeah, Gus is supposed to have a Chilean accent, which sounds vastly different from Mexican accents. But when Giancarlo Esposito and Mark Margolis had dialogue in Spanish you could tell they couldn't speak the language AT ALL, let alone try to get the accent…