
What's that phrase? It's the ultimate aphrodisiac?

I was fine with Tom and Cyrus sleeping together originally, because it meant Tom's actor got naked frequently, which I was absolutely cool with.

Alright fine arrow writers.

Somebody in the Arrow writer's room must really, REALLY hate Katie Cassidy.

"Finally, it's about time someone figured it out. You know, I am so sick and tired of playing this weak, vulnerable Laurel. She's such a pill. It's pathetic."

Although that Septum ring has GOT to go. Seriously. It's just a lame attempt at making Siren look edgy. And as someone who has lots of piercings. I find the implication that piercings make people evil offensive. Just take it off. It's hideous on her.

Katie Cassidy KILLED it as Black Siren. I'm getting Ruby feels from her and it is glorious. And she's always been better at being evil/morally ambiguous. The strut, the sass, the deliciously snarky attitude. She was just great.

I'm calling it now.

I'm sorry, but this episode's meeting with Quentin and the moments that he & Sara shared just make me more convinced that killing Laurel on Arrow was a giant mistake. The idea that Sara hasn't discovered this and is just in the dark, feels wrong. and If Quentin had been killed instead of her (which is what I think

Okay, I don't even know how to do what at the moment… But I think killing Laurel was a mistake. Hear me out before you say I'm crazy. Here goes.

As a law student, I'm usually able to roll my eyes and move on from TV land law (mostly by wishing it was that exciting in the real world). I even managed to do it when Laurel was allowed to cross-examine Moira on the stand (cough*NotPossibleInRealLife*cough)

Are Tom and Cyrus sleeping together? I mean, I don't know. I can't tell. It's like, someone tell me, I'm confused. Also. I no longer ship Jake and Olivia. I ship Jake and his right hand. And I ship Olivia and a really expensive vibrator. But someone please tell me what's the deal with Cyrus and Tom? I'm not

Arrow's writers need to go binge watch the first four seasons of The Vampire Diaries.

Sara & Snart are currently rivaling Nyssa & Laurel as my favorite friendship in the arrowverse.

I will check it out and get back to you when I have finished season 2 and become an obsessee

is The 100 really that good? I've heard good things, but I just find it really difficult to believe.

abs ALWAYS help :)

No disrespect to Victor Garber. He is a god, spy daddy anyone? It's moreso that if he's main cast, then Jax probably has to be too, and Jax being main cast is just totally unnecessary, he does not need to be on the show that much. Also the more I see jax and steiner together, the more I'm reminded of the whole

Sava is absolutely right about how Sara is the ONLY character on the show whose actor is hitting the show's sweet spot in terms of acting and performance (though Routh and Miller are very close potential second placemen) But back to Sara. The tone of Lotz's performance is currently occupying this nebulous space where

Ooh! I have an idea.
Let's kill off all the H's PERMANENTLY (Hawkgirl, Hawkman and Hunter) reduce Steiner and Jax to recurring characters and instead just watch Sara, Cold, Heatwave and Palmer as the central heroes and just watch the four of them plus one additional time traveling hero per week go after Vandal Savage.