
Goth Felicity always succeeds in making me slightly heterosexual. Slightly.

they can do Laurel really well. Laurel was really, really, REALLY good as a character for about the last third of season 3, from "Canaries" all the way up until the third season finale. The friendship with Nyssa, the fries-in-the-milkshakes-thing (as gross as that sounds), her training etc… She got to be my favorite

Dear god, Thank you for gifting the writers with the idea of Sara Lance
Because Caity Lotz has slowly but surely grown into one of the best performers in the Arrowverse. It's even more impressive considering how uneven she could be during Arrow's second season.
Speaking to Sava's notice of how Sara can convey emotion

as someone attending screenwriting school, I'll tell you that fridging is kind of unavoidable in storytelling, mostly because it is the greatest source of character angst, storytelling, plot and fresh writing you'll find in your story is to kill your lead character's most predominant love interest (or alternately best

That was meant to be darkly comedic much the same way this was, but I'm not giving it the same level of disapproval mostly because Henry was implied in later episodes to have been deeply mentally ill when he killed that girl. Mary and Catharine weren't. Okay you could probably argue that Catharine IS mentally ill, but

I feel like the show wants us to laugh at the predicament of Don Carlos, but the more I think about it the less funny it actually is. A straight guy wanting to be sexually submissive with the woman he is interacting with is not inherently weird, strange or humorous and the fact that it is meant to be funny and awkward

I love Felicity, I just don't like how these writers suck at writing romance, particularly writing female characters involved in romance, specifically with Oliver. I want the Felicity of the first seven episodes of the season back is all.

Oliver: "Do you know that my whole world just exploded and that I deserve a minute to process that by myself" (Totally accurate, completely truthful statement)
That line encapsulates Oliver's totally understandable reaction to finding out that he's a father, and hasn't known his son for the first ten years of his life

In general, due to rules regarding heteronormativity which I actually feel kind of bad for straight people in that regard due to the insane amount of bullshit they have to navigate when dealing with sex and romance and what-not, the general rule of thumb is that straight people/bisexual/pansexual (ugh, i hate railing

I don't know a better way to say this cuz apparently what I'm doing keeps getting lost in translation. Olivia Pope doesn't need my approval to do anything, I am not Olivia Pope, she is. But this is a television show. And part of watching television means judging character's choices. Olivia Pope could have a million

I don't agree with that. And at the risk of repeating ourselves over and over and over again at each other, why don't we just agree to disagree and call it a night

Umm, yes actually, I can. As I stated above. Pro-choice is a political slogan referring to where someone stands on the legality of abortion. I am not talking how I feel about the politics of abortion. I'm talking about how I feel about what Olivia, an individual character did. Those two are not the same things. I am

I never said her RIGHT to choose was conditional on my approval. I also never said that her actual choice this episode was conditional on my approval. All I did was voice my feelings about a character's decision on an episode of TV is all. I do it to all the characters on all the shows I watch. That's what this

That's my whole point…

I don't disagree with you in any way shape or form. I know the lack of compromise is a very real thing, all I was doing was just stating that I had mixed feelings about it is all and trying to explain those mixed feelings.

I am pro-choice, as I stated below, I support a woman's right to choose in the abstract. Legally speaking, I think abortion should be legal, no questions asked. Pro-choice is a political term regarding a LEGAL issue. I support the LEGALITY of abortion. But this isn't a legal question, this is a personal question of

I don't necessarily think she should either. I'm not against it, I just have mixed feelings about it is all. I mean I get from her perspective why she had to. The baby would've tied her to the white house and Fitz forever and robbed her of her right to ever choose to do or be anything else. The minute they were

Since I focused on the thing I didn't like about this episode earlier and may have nearly started a flame war, I'd like to establish however briefly what I did indeed like and love about this episode.
-Again, Mellie's fillibuster to save planned parenthood was GLORIOUS. She Wendy Davis'd all of their sorry asses.
-I am

I support a woman's right to choose alone in the abstract, for the same reasons I support the right to free speech in the abstract, but I also don't necessarily like everything everyone says. Likewise I don't support every single individual instance of abortion. This is an instance I have conflicted feelings about is

From a storytelling perspective I can see why it works plot-wise. It's a dirty little secret and as Olivia herself has said dirty little secrets always come out. So she and fitz will crawl back to one another. And then the abortion will come out and they'll break up for another merry go round of olitz drama. I get the