
did thhey? I think that's separate tho. It was only mostly just Yara's army, with a few Dorne soldiers. They were supposed to go to Dorne to pick up the majority of that army I think.

So….basically yara's army is shit. I kinda expected a better fight, even if they do lose.

Ugh. Just don't.

Yeah, you'd think Jaime would be highly disturbed and saddened and scared that his one true love basically started to do what the mad king intended to do - nuke king's landing with wildfire. Like, this was something extremely crucial to Jaime's decision to become a kingslayer in the first place. I get that Jaime isn't

Hmmm…ok, i will think about it, since you listed it as one of the top shows of the year lol. But I hope it doesn't take too long to get interesting.

I couldn't get into little witch academia after watching the first two eps or so. Just feels a bit too kiddy (nothing wrong with that, just that I feel like I would have enjoyed it tons as a kid but as an adult, it feels quite lacking and just a good cartoon for kids). Any reason to think it switches gears at some

it's a binge show by nature though, no matter when you start watching the season or the series, really.

Actually I had a lot more issues with the Judy King storyline drop than Sophia's, just because she really did just sort of fell away from the story entirely. Daya's storyline was abrupt as well but I felt for her personal arc she had a nice final moment with the call so it wasn't as bad (though ultimately the issue

oh, interesting. See, that would have made more sense, though perhaps the timing made it difficult — and maybe that's why it's cut? It certainly can't be time, given that pan to the wrist and reaction shoht would have taken what like 10 seconds max? - because it would work better if he finds out about the fake tattoo

if that was the only thread that they never went back to then sure, but i feel like there were enough of them that made it seem like they just forgotten about that they left a character somewhere rather than they were fully aware of it, they just chose not to return to them or give a little conclusion to them or

yeah. i mean, maybe they thought it was too obvious? but even if they didn't do that, i wish they did something with the flashback because what we got didn't really explain much of anything other than piscatella can be a very cruel person capable of murder. There's really no explanation for why he treats every inmate

i'll take that as a huge compliment lol :D

Yeah, I was thinking that his lover eventually cons him of something or another, meaning he never loved him, so then he flips out over the betrayal resulting in him basically killing wes, directly or indirectly. Maybe that's a bit on the nose and that's why the show didn't go that way or something, but to me a deep

i think he said he got the episodes a month in advance so while it's still tight and an impressive job no doubt, it's not like he watched the episodes in a day and then wrote 13 reviews all on the exact same day (well, at least I hope he didn't if he had a month to work on them lol).

technically they could have the time jump, piper finishes off her sentence, and be on the other side of things where she visits alex or something.

I didn't mind the structure of the season, if only because tastee's arc was so strong through it, but I did find all the unfinished ends of stories quite annoying - like you said, what happened to Sophia? Or Daya? or Judy King? etc — like they didn't have time or forgot about them.

Yeah, I really thought what they were headingg towards in Piscatella's story was that his lover tricked him or something,leading to him thinking every inmate will do whatever it takes to make a fool of him or something. Like that would explain far more, but they just went this route where it still didn't really make

Yeah, and there's also the fact that she isn't really just choosing between pino and dev, but where she wants to be for her life. Like a part of her attraction to Dev is seeing NY (or a big city) that's in such a contrast to her small town life, and a part of it is having been in a 10 year relationship with the only

I thought both pino and francesca, individually and as a couple, needed more dimensions as a whole. I kinda get it in that this is strictly from Dev's POV, and thus of course he isn't thinking or knowing of what's happening over there, but I do feel like this is a valid criticism of an otherwise great season.

Oh yeah, Holden's a spy.