
I feel like the weight of certain scenes (like seeing Jaime and Tyrion talk again, Gendry reappearing, etc) throughout this season is diminished with how fucking switft the pace has been this season. I understand the need to not leisurely stroll (or super slow crawl) through the story a la GRRM, but I also feel like

Given they kept that otherwise pretty random interaction (Sam taking the book from Gilly and giving it to the kid) in the show, I would say yes.

yeah, it was definitely underrated, victim of bad timing.

Yeah. The story of Gillian Darmody was just so depressing and heartwrenching and she did an amazing job portraying that role the whole way through.

"(Notably, Sam doesn’t let Gilly finish the story, and it’s not clear if the book came with them on their journey, so it’s possible that was just there for us and not the characters? But it does mean that Jon is likely the trueborn heir to the Iron Throne and not Dany)"

I love all those things…

so basically:

In terms of the break thing - i definitely was on the side of rachel's, even though yes, i do think they were on a break. because the issue really was that 1. ross was the one who didn't trust rachel to begin with and belittled her work aspirations - when after so many seasons of being a waitress she is finally doing

idk if she's the strongest amongst the main cast - they're all actually quite strong in different ways - but she has impeccable comedic timing for sure.

dracarys is the valyrian word for 'dragon fire', it's the command for the dragon to breathe fire, not his name.

true, but i mean, maybe with both joffrey and tywin's death on tyrion's hands, i can see a slim possibility that jaime may want to kill tyrion, even though I don't think that would have been the case. But given he now knows tyrion didn't kill joffrey for sure, i find it basically impossible he'd kill tyrion for tywin.

yeah, exactly what i thought.

i can't see jaime killing tyrion for tywin. None of the lannister kids liked the dad. maybe if he still thought tyrion killed joffrey too, but not now when he knows he didn't.

Yeah, it seems ridiculous that Bronn could have manned that thing amidst giant flames and dothraki army all around with no interruptions, and on his own, if it's supposed to be something with enough power to injure a dragon.

since dany rode drogon and not viserion, you know they ain't going to be killing any dragons, so that was a total letdown.

I am just so frustrated with the show HELP

everyone's just teleporting here and there in westoros. In a way, it makes absolutely no sense the Night King isn't already sitting on the Iron Throne when everyone else is moving like lightening really.

Yeah exactly. I get why they need to set the table in this manner, but they're doing a pretty terrible job at it - it's not convincing when they have to write everyone else being morons and incompetent at fighting just so the Lannisters can appear to have a leg up.

What one does Jaime even have? I don't know why but show Jaime basically has no agency nor story, besides becoming the one who will kill Cersei in the end. It is such a bore to watch him do anything.

I get them needing to stack stuff against Dany and give Cersei a fighting chance for the season despite Dany basically holdin all the chips, but in doing so it really has made a lot of people look incredibly foolish, or incompetent at fighting to a degree that doesn't actually make sense for the characters involved.