Seeing Pasha is basically a window into what may happen to their kids if they move back to Russia, so I"ll say they're invested. Sure, it's also about Philip's inability now to just move on from basically innocent kills on the job, but I feel like much of the Pasha thing is definitely about seeing a reflection of his…
I just laughed like crazy when new coco came out.
Basically, it's like Louis, Girls, Atlanta, and Master of None. Don't know which one I love more, but they're all so good and feel so similar despite being from different and very specific perspectives.
Well, not really. The moment when she divulged that she'd forgotten to imform the police, that was the moment when everyone lost faith in her as a boss. You could see it all over their faces like WTF. Ultimately, she was fired for that. Had she told the police, I don't think she would have been fired.
I just busted out laughing my ass off when Rowan offered Fitz command and declared he is just perfect for the job. FITZ.
While she was right about Stephanie needing more counseling - really anyone could see that she does get too attached to her patients - the fact that Minnick FORGOT to tell the police that an attending has been missing since before the lockdown and the explosion was definitely a fire-able offense, especially when her…
I think they all are contemplating: what if it's true? - not just Paige at the end of the episode. That's what so startling about the diary entries - while they are brutal, they are also kinda true.
My 2 fave usage of sexy:
Avasarala has the best lines :D
Yeah, I totally see that. It's a bit of a microagression, for sure. What irks me more than the comments - because let's face it, internet comments are internet comments - is the review itself being that way. Usually AVClub is at least somewhat a bit more attuned to stuff like this, but then again, ever since some of…
I agree. And it wasn't like she was mad for months or something - she was mad for one measly day, what a totally TERRIBLE PERSON TO BE MAD FOR ONE WHOLE DAY.
I agree. I think she is perfectly allowed to be mad for a day when Meredith lied to her all these months. Seems like a perfectly natural, and frankly pretty generous, response.
But nah, time to roast Maggie again, because she was mad for ONE WHOLE DAY OMG THAT WITCH.
See, this amount of Bo - him rapping his vows out - is just about perfect. Last week was problematic because there was too much of Bo.
I feel like Bo's a character who serves the show well in very very small doses, so not sure if I like how prominent he was in this one.
Oh, sorry about that lol. I was going to say, probably don't hang around comments section or risk getting spoiled too! I haven't actually watched it remastered since I own the original dvds (in its super cumbersome packaging). How is it?
Man why don't you like your name Dennis? :D
come to think of it, I took a break from the show somewhere midseason 2 as well. But I did return to the rest of the season eventually, and back half was definitely a lot stronger than the first half. I guess just overall as a season it took a little more time for the table setting and for it to get to the main…
Savor it and enjoy it! There is nothing like watching The Wire for the first time.
I think it's time for that Wire rewatch again.