
So, basically because Caroline likes wedding planning and is organized she is basically incapable of changing up her plans? I mean come on. It wasn't like Elena and Stefan weren't totally OTP love 4eva soulmates 4eva status in the past, and that was even more ridiculous considering how young Elena was during that

I don't see the problem really. When Stefan and Elena were OTP forever, one person being human in that relationship was never a huge issue to the audience (like you think it was fine elena dates stefan, but when she gets older she'd drift away; so why can't this be the case with caroline and stefan? They can still

But it's Stefan. Unlike Damon, he is more even keeled, doesn't show his emotions and reacts much slower to things really (he's more like a volcano in that way - so he does react 'big' sometimes, but often much later, for example, see his reaction with the ongoings of Elena and Damon and how long it took before he blew

IKR it's like hello it's the 21st century.

Well, Caroline did make sure Bonnie would be okay - She understands Bonnie not wanting to see her, so made sure she would be okay by sending her mom over instead.

I actually really liked the last couple of episodes entirely. Making Stefan human feels like a good call to me for the last season, and seeing Kai pop up at the end of the episode made me squeal with joy. :D

The winston and aly stuff is cute, the whole going back to nick and jess stuff….meh.

But couldn't Damon just suck the cure from Enzo at the end of his and Bonnie's life, just in time for Elena when Bonnie dies and she wakes up - if Enzo takes the cure first from Elena?


haha! Now it all makes sense why the soulmates stuff didn't quite make too much sense, and why your soulmate would necessarily be in your neighborhood and have died at a similar time as you did :D

oh this is so good, one fo the few shows that catches me by surprise almost every single episode :D

Even reading this makes me sad knowing what's to come in a few days.

I am still annoyed with the decision to kill off Mary in the first episode of the season.

Well, if you think about it, the good place only gives you a soulmate - but not in the whole universe - just amongst a subset of people who basically have died around the same period of time. Since the neighborhoods seem to be structured as such, and you meet your soulmate in your own neighborhood when you get

I missed this show <3

This review totally tricked me into watching the episode because it had a big picture of Carol. So yeah, quite disappointed in the 2 minutes of Carol I actually got.

Thank you Parker <3

that sucks. I'vehalf given up on twd, I just skim reviews and check out an episode if carol's on. :P

yup, wtf, how could the show forget that the twins are magic all on their own? Honestly, the kids getting kidnapped was a long term plan planned by celine, because they were special gemini syphon twins, so frankly it actually absolutely had nothing to do with caroline, stefan, damon or all the stuff that happened in

kay, so when are we getting back to carol and the tiger?