
honestly i think carol is a hottie of TWD as well.

Bunheads! D:

The actor playing Ben is super good looking, but I don't think he was ever a good fit for the show. Not really sure why the character even existed or garnered that many episodes in the first place, I think he's by far the weakest dullest romantic interest mindy has ever had in the entire series.

I think it already says a lot that there are people who think Hillary is somehow the biggest and only cause of the current political landscape, and that because of that, people are either entirely for the hate, or are completely fine with standing by while others get stripped of their rights.

Yes. It's almost irrelevant as to what Trump will actually do, but the fact that the rhetoric he has been spewing is what got him elected, and that truly frighens me as to just how much hate is really out there against anyone who isn't white or male.

I feel like death.

When are we getting back to Carol and the Kingdom?

Why wouldn't they have a recording of that pitchfork noise on a loop in the cell the siren's in?

wait, are these your recommendations? I've been meaning to check out crazy ex gf, but don't really know the other two.

YAY are you guys doing weekly recaps again for superstore? If not, I hope you guys will do these checkins on the show every now and then, because it's quite an enjoyable pleasant little show


Vibing the chemistry between Jason and Janet :D

Loved the diss on Brown.

yeah ok, I watched it. Yup, much like Carol's house away but not away from the Kingdom, I'm going to stick with just reading reviews for TWD, but if Carol is in it, I'd watch the episode.

Heather was the slightly kooky intern who had very quick hands, and Derek was going to groom her. Another intern from FNL was jealous of that and told her to do something else (which led to her death) instead of a surgery she was asked to go or something.

i saw the picture (???!?!?!) and the first sentence that it's a Carol episode, so I decided to go watch it

you know who I really miss and wish didn't die and came back? Heather.

I also actually yelled too. But it was "BEN!" :)

i didn't realize this show isn't going to be covered after the first episode this season :/