
Yeah, Rick's death was the only one that would have shown that the show was willing to do something to change the status quo it has established over the past couple of seasons. Because ultimately it did not matter that it was Abraham and Glenn - exchange them for any other two people, you'd arrive at a similar

okay, so aaron was there so they can say, hey we didn't kill the LEAST important person of team c.

this so much.l I'm glad they've finally split up because while the cute stuff was cute, life isn't just those moments of cuteness, and realistically speaking they would never work as a couple when they're miles apart on the big decisions like babies and work.

thanks <3

Nice, thank you for all the information!

just the imagery of holt on that trolley cart thing had me in a giggle fit

yeah I was really surprised that they never even talked about kids prior to getting married given how big of a deal breaker that was in Owen's previous marriage. And because they didn't, it had a twinge of 'well obviously with the exception of cristina most women want children, so that's why that discussion didn't

Nice, does anyone know specifically which book they're talking about

omg michael learns to rock


As bad as Maggie was (which is mostly just annoying, I feel like. Like, yeah, she was totally just thinking about herself and being selfish, but even as an ex she was still there for deluca when no one asked her to, she held his hand, she watched his surgery to make sure it's going fine, she made sure she informed his

oh I'm a bit disappointed, thought there would be reviews for the second season.

also lucky that he could just use the vow of silence as a cover for everything

The show is still way too light on the laughs (still have yet to lol once through 3 eps) but because of Schur's track record (and that most of his previousshows take some time before they start to shine), I think it's definitely worth to keep watching. In addition, it is very pleasant to watch thus far and I like to


This was such a sweet and poignant episode

"What isn’t easy is acknowledging how Dev’s reaction to Rachel and Denise pointing out a problem to him contributes to that very problem. "

The only thing I definitely do not want is Mindy going back to Danny. I'm fine with her being alone or try dating Jody (the season mostly developed his side of feelings, but we don't really know that much about her feelings for him beyond just an general 'i can date him and see' interest; that can be pursued or not

Danny has been a total dick for a long time honestly, and now not just to Mindy, but to Sarah as well.

yeah, sure, i can make a case for daario too. Just based on their meager interactions and tyrion's performance in mereen on the tv show, I don't know if dany would have offered tyrion the hand, even though plot wise it made sense.