
"She dies from delivering Jon, but not before she whispers to Ned that he—meaning Rhaegar—“must not find out”

I like how they've kept Red's eye liner mistakes after nicky traded her mirror.

I'm really glad to see Sophia again (after the premiere review said that Cox has a new gig at cbs, I thought she might be gone for good or something), and it also made me a little giddy seeing Nikki even if it was just a flash.

I kind of feel bad that we're going to see Selina go from being president back to being vp, the last 2 seasons has been a riot with selina having more power, but I am happy to see hugh laurie have more scenes with JLD who's just been on fire all season.

" I would argue that the books never dwell on Ramsay or any other character as a “villain” in more traditional terms. "

Said like a true shipper.

I'm actually fine with his crush on Mindy, but I don't really care which way the show goes. But I totally like Dillahunt, he's a good actor, and Jody is still a perfectly fine addition to the show regardless of that, his random quips are pretty funny, and he works well with the rest of the cast as well.

I agree. The show has been really strong and funny this season, and I don't really understand why the reviewer is just talking all the time about Danny. Yeah, we get it, you like Danny. However, this show isn't called The Danny Project or the The Mindy and Danny Project. I'm not watching the show to see if Mindy and

well yeah, obviously philip's really concerned for all the spy related reasons, but he's also just a father and part of it is also just your typical dad 'omg my baby girl is becoming older and she'll date boys and make out wiht them and have sex with them NONONONONO she's my baby girl!' kind of response.

It's actually kind of funny in that you take out the whole russian spy thing out, and both the fathers' reactions still make total sense. The son's dad's all like "atta boy! gettin' some, make your old man proud!", while the daughter's dad's like "you are never seeing that boy again".

ARGH the idea of having to wait a whole year to find out what happens……………………………………………………….

ME TOO omg i remember watching square one as a kid…MATHNET!!

It was amazing and awesome to watch. Just so goooooood.

It's not whether or not he's a hero or a villain - this is got after all one doesn't expect any character to fall in such simple terms - but I simply don't really see what he's thinking anymore. If anything it wasn't his sense of morality that override his loyalty to cersei - in the books he was the one to cut ties

I sort of feel a bit adrift in the cersei storyline and the jaime storyline because I'm not sure where they are at as characters anymore. We did see a little of Jaime's redemption in the last couple of seasons, but having him reunite with Cersei, and then proclaiming to seek vengeance of anyone who has hurt their

I am honestly shocked the main picture of this review wasn't the mail robot.

sucks to be spoiled, but there is a lot of other emotional weight - the death itself isn't the truly sad and poignant part of it all I feel like - so you have that to look forward to.

Nah, I like Jody and Mindy too. (I've pretty much liked most of Mindy's bfs throughout the show, tbh lol. Obviously some weren't meant to work out, but it still didn't take anything away from when the relationship existed on the show either). Part of the strength of TMP is how Kaling writes relationships for Mindy,

"Who do you think you are, Lightning McQueen?" Idk why but this made me laugh a ton.

"And as a book reader, it was that moment I’d been waiting for—the show finally claiming its own moment of carefully constructed, emotionally devastating poetry as “Hodor” is born and dies in the very same moment."